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Archive 2018

Pigeons EUROPEAN Master Pigeons participants must wear premiiring pedigree in 2018 and is a recognized pigeon federation. You must be aged at least 4 weeks, can eat and drink themselves to teaching the Master EUROPEAN Pigeons OLR. Not required to be vaccinated because absolutely all pigeons collected will be vaccinated and will follow a program prophylactic during adaptation. Surrender will indicate if the birds have been vaccinated or not.

By teaching pigeons EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR becomes their legal owner. The birds will be quarantined separately grown for one week before being introduced in the loft. If there are pigeons problems during quarantine, their owner will be informed immediately and he will decide what to do further, will replace pigeons issues immediately or send free next year an equal number of birds with those who had problems. Pigeon problems they will perform laboratory tests to no doubt.

The pigeons will be collected directly from participants loft or legal representative columbodromului. Once the participant and teaching pigeons to the entrance of quarantine duration shall not exceed 72 hours.

It is imperative that teaching pigeons to deliver pedigrees and title to a bank account for payouts, a phone number and an email address for quick communication. Teaching pedigrees can be done by mail no later than the date of 01/08/2018 or can be loaded directly on the website of the EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR.

The participation fee is 150 euros per pigeon. 5 pigeons can be registered scored a free bird.

The participation fee may be paid to the next account :
Adresse : Str. Sucevei , Nr.91, 725200 Falticeni, Romania
Banca Transilvania , Adresse : 725200 Falticeni, Str. Republicii , Romania
Konto EURO  :  RO58 BTRL EURC RT03 1871  1001
RON - Konto   : RO11 BTRL RONC RT03 1871 1001

Participants who register and pay the fee until on 31.12.2017 receive a 10% discount of the registration fee (paid only 135 Euro / bird).

After the quarantine period, which lasts a week, the birds will be introduced in the loft and will receive a participation code. Only owners will know Series ring and participation code allocated to that dove. Pigeons will follow a program of prevention and vaccination and will accommodate the inside and outside of the cage. Receiving pigeons made between 03.01.2018 - 30.04.2018.

On 06/01/2018 pigeons will receive electronic chip and pedigree will hide by wrapping ring. From this time absolutely pigeons will be free to fly around the loft and will start training with boarding overall light clock on training.

During the prepregatire, will make training between 1 km and 30 km on the clock. Exceptions will be days with extreme weather conditions (heavy rain, strong winds, heat, etc.). Training will be conducted in all four cardinal points.

Formal training, to be taken into account when ranking AS Master will start the 09/07/2018 and at least 30 km away from farming. Training will be daily with individual boarding.

Training period is between 09/07/2018 - 01/08/2018.

The program of competitions is:

FINAL: Kapla (Kavarna - Zip code 9650) = 486 Km BULGARIA 09/08/2018

semifinals: 8/25/2018 MEDGIDIA = 389 Km

HS3: Crusher (besides Braila) = 284 Km 18/08/2018

HS2: Targu Bujor = 172 Km (between Barlad and Galati) 08/11/2018

HS1: 08/04/2018 between ODOBESTI = 108 km

stage will make at least one clock training and boarding 50Km and 80Km, which will be counted in the standings AS Master.

Organizers reserve the right to change the dates of training and competition, if the situation requires or force majeure. Any changes will immediately bring to participants.

Boarding HS sites, semifinals and final is done by staff columbodromului in front of the camera and a committee consisting of participants. Commission will not touch pigeons, only check visual series ring. Boarding HS, semifinals and final will take off the protective film from the ring after checking series by the committee, will go dove over time boarding and will be foiling again ring to the committee and camera and will be placed in the cage for transport.

After completing boarding under the supervision committee and participants boarding fanciers will be put cages transportation trucks pigeons and car doors must be sealed.

Transport pigeons will drive transport authorized pigeons with GPS location turned on by staff EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR. The car will be accompanied by a second car fanciers participants allstakeholders Supervisory Commission, which will go behind the car transport birds. Both cars will be equipped with cameras to record case. At the launch site, the preparations necessary for good launches, feeding and watering birds will be made only by staff EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR. Fanciers participants as supervisory committee are absolutely prohibited to approach the car and are required to shoot and record preparation and release of pigeons. Fanciers participants as supervisory committee will be any remuneration. Each release will be invited to attend and check local fanciers of the launch and release.

Preparing or pigeons will always be live online on the website EUROPEAN Master OLR Pigeons: or as on facebook EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR.

Final boarding for fanciers participants who wish can only check their own pigeons. Check their pigeons will be just in front of cameras, committee and staff boarding EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR.

The order will be as follows: pigeons will bring in private boarding kennels helpful by staff EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR. Remove foil protection by staff columbodromului, reads and communicates series commission, which checks the authenticity of series and call the owner dove. If it is present and wants, can check the status and shape of a dove. This will be done only in the boarding room, in front of the cameras and the Commission. Owners who are not present can not see his pigeon will be closely presented the main room cameras, which will be online. Master EUROPEAN staff will embark dove Pigeons OLR by passing it over time boarding, apply protective film over the ring and will apply a stamp control on the wing by the committee and we will board the transport cage. After reaching the number of birds per cage it will be sealed. After finishing boarding, transport cages will be carried to the car and the DC breaker opening cages are locked and sealed. Where appropriate the birds will be watered and fed before heading to the launch site.

The final day to 12 noon pigeon loft participants can visit. After this time the waiting will begin preparing pigeons and fanciers will withdraw the finals in specially designed waiting area. There will be booths with food and drink tastes.

The final will be broadcast online. The final evening after arriving pigeons will be held the award ceremony. At that time it will organize auction pigeons: 21-50 seats, except where a 1-5 AS.

Birds arrive in the final will be auctioned as follows:

Places 1-20 and the first 5 AS, a site in the West or in Asia.

Pigeons arrived places 21-50 will be sold at auction organized the award ceremony.

All pigeons returned from the final will be sold at auction. For pigeons sold in Romania, a commission of 15% of the sale price will be charged and the rest will be divided as follows: 50% grower and 50% organizer, EUROPA Master Pigeons OLR.

For pigeons sold in the West or Asia, the commission for organizing the auction will be higher. From the remaining amount after paying the commission for organizing the auction the breeder as the first 50% and the organizer 50%.

Pigeons not sold at auction may be redeemed for Euro 20 by the owner within 7 days of the auction closing.

EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR will decide what to do in case of remaining unsold birds, they are property outright. Pigeons without pedigree will not receive awards and amounts resulting from the auction! Any discussion or pedigrees after the final surrender is excluded! Any monies due or resulting from the pigeon rests entirely without pedigree EUROPEAN organizer Master Pigeons OLR.

All participants by teaching pigeons the organizer assume and undertake to abide by the terms and conditions of this Regulation.

EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR wishes all participants good luck and wind in feathers!







Siebert Siebert








Sjaak BuwaldaSjaak Buwalda








Alexander GebelAlexander Gebel








Anemie VanheeAnemie Vanhee








Drapa Drapa








Familia SollnerFamilia Sollner








Mirko Jager und OLR UsedomMirko Jager und OLR Usedom








Thorst DaumThorst Daum








Waldow WernerWaldow Werner








One Loft Race PattayaOne Loft Race Pattaya


















pliant pigeons interior


FINALA Total : 136.000 EURO
Premii : 118.000 Euro
LOC 1 : 20.000 Euro + Diploma + Cupa
LOC 2 : 15.000 Euro+ Diploma + Cupa
LOC 3 : 10.000 Euro + Diploma + Cupa
LOC 4 :7.000 Euro + Diploma+ medalie
LOC 5 : 6.000 Euro+ Diploma +medalie
LOC 6 : 5.000 Euro+ Diploma
LOC 7 : 4.000 Euro+ Diploma
LOC 8 : 3.000 Euro+ Diploma
LOC 9 : 2.000 Euro+ Diploma
LOC 10 : 1.000 Euro+ Diploma
LOC 11 -20 : 900 Euro
LOC 21 -30 : 800 Euro
LOC 31 – 40 : 700 Euro
LOC 41 – 50 : 600 Euro
LOC 51 – 60 : 500 Euro
LOC 61 – 70 : 400 Euro
LOC 71 – 80 : 300 Euro
LOC 81 – 90 : 200 Euro
LOC 91 – 100 : 100 Euro

LOC 1 : 700 Euro + Diploma + Cupa LOC 1 : 1.000 Euro+ Diploma + Cupa
LOC 2 : 500 Euro + Diploma + Cupa LOC 2 : 700 Euro+ Diploma + Cupa
LOC 3 : 300 Euro + Diploma + Cupa LOC 3 : 500 Euro+ Diploma + Cupa
LOC 4 : 200 Euro + Diploma LOC 4 : 300 Euro+ Diploma
LOC 5 : 100 Euro + Diploma LOC 5 : 200 Euro+ Diploma
TOTAL : 1.800 EURO 2.700 EURO

Crescator 2 General :
LOC 1 : O echipa gratis in 2019 ( 5+1 porumbei )
LOC 2 : 4 porumbei gratis 2019
LOC 3 : 3 porumbei gratis 2019
LOC 4 : 2 porumbei gratis 2019
LOC 5 : 1 porumbel gratis 2019

SEMIFINALA : Total 14.250 EURO
Premii : 11.000 Euro
LOC 1 : 3.000 Euro+ Diploma + Cupa LOC 9 : 400 Euro
LOC 2 : 2.000 Euro+ Diploma + Cupa LOC 10 : 300 Euro
LOC 3 : 1.000 Euro+ Diploma + Cupa LOC 11 : 200 Euro
LOC 4 : 900 Euro LOC 12 : 100 Euro
LOC 5 : 800 Euro LOC 13 – 22 : 50 Euro
LOC 6 : 700 Euro
LOC 7 : 600 Euro
LOC 8 : 500 Euro
LOC 1 : 500 Euro + Diploma + Cupa LOC 1 : 700 Euro+ Diploma + Cupa
LOC 2 : 300 Euro + Diploma + Cupa LOC 2 : 500 Euro+ Diploma + Cupa
LOC 3 : 200 Euro + Diploma + Cupa LOC 3 : 350 Euro+ Diploma + Cupa
LOC 4-5 : 150 Euro + Diploma LOC 4-5 : 200 Euro+ Diploma
TOTAL : 1.300 EURO 1.950 EURO

LOC 1 : 700 Euro LOC 1 : 300 Euro LOC 1 : 500 Euro
LOC 2 : 400 Euro LOC 2 : 200 Euro LOC 2 : 300 Euro
LOC 3 : 300 Euro LOC 3 : 100 Euro LOC 3 : 150 Euro
LOC 4 : 200 Euro + Diploma
LOC 5 : 100 Euro+ Diploma
LOCURILE 1,2,3 vor primi Diploma + Cupa

TOTAL : 1.700 EURO 600 EURO 950 EURO

LOC 1 : 3.000 Euro+ Diploma + Cupa
LOC 2 : 2.000 Euro+ Diploma + Cupa
LOC 3 : 1.000 Euro+ Diploma + Cupa
LOC 4 : 500 Euro
LOC 5 : 250 Euro

LOC 1 : 3.000 Euro+ Diploma + Cupa
LOC 2 : 2.000 Euro+ Diploma + Cupa
LOC 3 : 1.000 Euro+ Diploma + Cupa
LOC 4 : 500 Euro
LOC 5 : 250 EURO

PREMII HS 1,2,3 : 9.750 EURO

Aceste Premii se vor plati la 1.500 porumbei platiti.
Premiile vor creste sau descreste direct proportional cu numarul de porumbei platiti .
In numarul total de porumbei platiti nu se ia in calcul porumbelul bonus de la echipa ( 5+1 porumbei echipa – se calculeaza la numarul total doar 5 porumbei , cei pentru care s-a platit).
Punctajul pentru porumbelul AS se calculeazadupa formula FCI de punctaj: locul in clasament * 1.000
Numarul de porumbei x distanta
Se claseaza 25% din porumbeii participanti.
Punctajul pentru crescator 2porumbei se realizeaza prin adunarea punctajului obtinut individual al primilor 2 porumbei al aceluiasicrescator, din aceeasi echipa . Nu se poate lua in calcul primul loc de la o echipa cu primul loc de la alta echipa, daca crescatorul are mai multe echipe inscrise.
Punctajul pentru crescator 3 porumbei se realizeaza prin adunarea punctajului obtinut individual al primilor 3 porumbei al aceluiasicrescator, din aceeasi echipa . Nu se poate lua in calcul primul loc de la o echipa cu primul loc de la alta echipa, daca crescatorul are mai multe echipe inscrise.
L a Crescator 2 GENERAL se poate lua in calcul primii 2 porumbei ai aceluiasicrescator din echipe diferite. Aceasta categorie este doar pentru crescatorii care au inscris mai multe echipe.
Locurile 111 , 222 si 333 vor beneficia de cate un porumbel gratis in 2019.

Die nächste Kollektion ist in den folgenden Tagen:

28.03.2018 Belgium , Zoutleeuw, Grote Steenweg 74 from 16-20 Uhr

29.03.2018 PIPA Trading BVBA , Eentveldstraat 18, B-9910 Knesselare, BELGIUM from 8-11 Uhr

29.03.2018 Christ Roebs , Hagenweg 131, Geraasdsbergen 9500 from 13-14 Uhr

30.03.2018 Belgica de Weerd B.V. , Postbus 4607, EP Breda 4803 from 8-11 Uhr

30.03.2018 Werner A. Waldow 46282 Dorsten, Gräwingheide 2 von 18-20 Uhr

31.03.2018 Alfons Klaas Westerwieher Str.208, 33397 Rietberg von 8-11Uhr

31.03.2018 Karl Heinz Lang 35428 Langgons, Tulpenweg 20 von 14 Uhr


Diejenigen, die die Tauben direkt von Ihnen abholen wollen, lassen es mich bitte im Voraus wissen, mindestens zwei Tage vor 27.03.2018.


The next collection is in the following days:

28.03.2018 Belgium , Zoutleeuw, Grote Steenweg 74 from 16-20 Uhr

29.03.2018 PIPA Trading BVBA , Eentveldstraat 18, B-9910 Knesselare, BELGIUM from 8-11 Uhr

29.03.2018 Christ Roebs , Hagenweg 131, Geraasdsbergen 9500 from 13-14 Uhr

30.03.2018 Belgica de Weerd B.V. , Postbus 4607, EP Breda 4803 from 8-11 Uhr

30.03.2018 Werner A. Waldow 46282 Dorsten, Gräwingheide 2 von 18-20 Uhr

31.03.2018 Alfons Klaas Westerwieher Str.208, 33397 Rietberg von 8-11Uhr

31.03.2018 Karl Heinz Lang 35428 Langgons, Tulpenweg 20 von 14 Uhr -16 Uhr


Those who want pigeons to be taken straight from your home, please let me know at least 2 Days before 27.03.2018.

Email :


Pigeons EUROPEAN Master Pigeons participants must wear premiiring pedigree in 2018 and is a recognized pigeon federation. You must be aged at least 4 weeks, can eat and drink themselves to teaching the Master EUROPEAN Pigeons OLR. Not required to be vaccinated because absolutely all pigeons collected will be vaccinated and will follow a program prophylactic during adaptation. Surrender will indicate if the birds have been vaccinated or not.

By teaching pigeons EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR becomes their legal owner. The birds will be quarantined separately grown for one week before being introduced in the loft. If there are pigeons problems during quarantine, their owner will be informed immediately and he will decide what to do further, will replace pigeons issues immediately or send free next year an equal number of birds with those who had problems. Pigeon problems they will perform laboratory tests to no doubt.

The pigeons will be collected directly from participants loft or legal representative columbodromului. Once the participant and teaching pigeons to the entrance of quarantine duration shall not exceed 72 hours.

It is imperative that teaching pigeons to deliver pedigrees and title to a bank account for payouts, a phone number and an email address for quick communication. Teaching pedigrees can be done by mail no later than the date of 01/08/2018 or can be loaded directly on the website of the EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR.

The participation fee is 150 euros per pigeon. 5 pigeons can be registered scored a free bird.

The participation fee may be paid to the next account :
Adresse : Str. Sucevei , Nr.91, 725200 Falticeni, Romania
Banca Transilvania , Adresse : 725200 Falticeni, Str. Republicii , Romania
Konto EURO  :  RO58 BTRL EURC RT03 1871  1001
RON - Konto   : RO11 BTRL RONC RT03 1871 1001

Participants who register and pay the fee until on 31.12.2017 receive a 10% discount of the registration fee (paid only 135 Euro / bird).

After the quarantine period, which lasts a week, the birds will be introduced in the loft and will receive a participation code. Only owners will know Series ring and participation code allocated to that dove. Pigeons will follow a program of prevention and vaccination and will accommodate the inside and outside of the cage. Receiving pigeons made between 03.01.2018 - 30.04.2018.

On 06/01/2018 pigeons will receive electronic chip and pedigree will hide by wrapping ring. From this time absolutely pigeons will be free to fly around the loft and will start training with boarding overall light clock on training.

During the prepregatire, will make training between 1 km and 30 km on the clock. Exceptions will be days with extreme weather conditions (heavy rain, strong winds, heat, etc.). Training will be conducted in all four cardinal points.

Formal training, to be taken into account when ranking AS Master will start the 09/07/2018 and at least 30 km away from farming. Training will be daily with individual boarding.

Training period is between 09/07/2018 - 01/08/2018.

The program of competitions is:

FINAL: Kapla (Kavarna - Zip code 9650) = 486 Km BULGARIA 09/08/2018

semifinals: 8/25/2018 MEDGIDIA = 389 Km

HS3: Crusher (besides Braila) = 284 Km 18/08/2018

HS2: Targu Bujor = 172 Km (between Barlad and Galati) 08/11/2018

HS1: 08/04/2018 between ODOBESTI = 108 km

stage will make at least one clock training and boarding 50Km and 80Km, which will be counted in the standings AS Master.

Organizers reserve the right to change the dates of training and competition, if the situation requires or force majeure. Any changes will immediately bring to participants.

Boarding HS sites, semifinals and final is done by staff columbodromului in front of the camera and a committee consisting of participants. Commission will not touch pigeons, only check visual series ring. Boarding HS, semifinals and final will take off the protective film from the ring after checking series by the committee, will go dove over time boarding and will be foiling again ring to the committee and camera and will be placed in the cage for transport.

After completing boarding under the supervision committee and participants boarding fanciers will be put cages transportation trucks pigeons and car doors must be sealed.

Transport pigeons will drive transport authorized pigeons with GPS location turned on by staff EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR. The car will be accompanied by a second car fanciers participants allstakeholders Supervisory Commission, which will go behind the car transport birds. Both cars will be equipped with cameras to record case. At the launch site, the preparations necessary for good launches, feeding and watering birds will be made only by staff EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR. Fanciers participants as supervisory committee are absolutely prohibited to approach the car and are required to shoot and record preparation and release of pigeons. Fanciers participants as supervisory committee will be any remuneration. Each release will be invited to attend and check local fanciers of the launch and release.

Preparing or pigeons will always be live online on the website EUROPEAN Master OLR Pigeons: or as on facebook EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR.

Final boarding for fanciers participants who wish can only check their own pigeons. Check their pigeons will be just in front of cameras, committee and staff boarding EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR.

The order will be as follows: pigeons will bring in private boarding kennels helpful by staff EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR. Remove foil protection by staff columbodromului, reads and communicates series commission, which checks the authenticity of series and call the owner dove. If it is present and wants, can check the status and shape of a dove. This will be done only in the boarding room, in front of the cameras and the Commission. Owners who are not present can not see his pigeon will be closely presented the main room cameras, which will be online. Master EUROPEAN staff will embark dove Pigeons OLR by passing it over time boarding, apply protective film over the ring and will apply a stamp control on the wing by the committee and we will board the transport cage. After reaching the number of birds per cage it will be sealed. After finishing boarding, transport cages will be carried to the car and the DC breaker opening cages are locked and sealed. Where appropriate the birds will be watered and fed before heading to the launch site.

The final day to 12 noon pigeon loft participants can visit. After this time the waiting will begin preparing pigeons and fanciers will withdraw the finals in specially designed waiting area. There will be booths with food and drink tastes.

The final will be broadcast online. The final evening after arriving pigeons will be held the award ceremony. At that time it will organize auction pigeons: 21-50 seats, except where a 1-5 AS.

Birds arrive in the final will be auctioned as follows:

Places 1-20 and the first 5 AS, a site in the West or in Asia.

Pigeons arrived places 21-50 will be sold at auction organized the award ceremony.

All pigeons returned from the final will be sold at auction. For pigeons sold in Romania, a commission of 15% of the sale price will be charged and the rest will be divided as follows: 50% grower and 50% organizer, EUROPA Master Pigeons OLR.

For pigeons sold in the West or Asia, the commission for organizing the auction will be higher. From the remaining amount after paying the commission for organizing the auction the breeder as the first 50% and the organizer 50%.

Pigeons not sold at auction may be redeemed for Euro 20 by the owner within 7 days of the auction closing.

EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR will decide what to do in case of remaining unsold birds, they are property outright. Pigeons without pedigree will not receive awards and amounts resulting from the auction! Any discussion or pedigrees after the final surrender is excluded! Any monies due or resulting from the pigeon rests entirely without pedigree EUROPEAN organizer Master Pigeons OLR.

All participants by teaching pigeons the organizer assume and undertake to abide by the terms and conditions of this Regulation.

EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR wishes all participants good luck and wind in feathers!





The awards will be paid in the next 2 weeks after the closing of the last auction.

A single payment will be made: the prize + the due amount of the winning pigeon auction.

The payment will be made to your signed-up account.

Each competitor will be contacted personally to confirm the amounts to be received.

Finalisten und Gewinner der EUROPA MASTER PIGEONS OLR 2018. Die schnellsten 2 und 3Tauben
Finalists and winners of EUROPA MASTER PIGEONS OLR 2018, the fastest 2 and 3 pigeons
Crescatori : cei mai rapizi 2 si 3 porumbei

CRESCATOR 2 PORUMBEI, Die schnellsten 2 Tauben
Locul 1- My -700 euro
Locul 2- Grec Mihai -500 euro
Locul 3- Tanase Alexandru -300 euro
Locul 4- Karl Heinz - 200 euro
Locul 5- Team Flonta -100 euro

CRESCATOR 3 PORUMBEI, Die schnellsten 3 Taube
Locul 1- Grec Mihai -1.000 euro
Locul 2- Tanase Alexandru – 700 euro
Locul 3- Grigorian + Lazar – 500 euro
Locul 4- Andreica + Bucsa – 300 euro
Locul 5- Radu + Pavel – 200 euro

CRESCATOR GENERAL , Die schnellsten 2 Taube von zwei Team

Locul 1- Beniamin Neag- 5 porumbei gratis 2019
Locul 2 - A.Klass - 4 porumbei gratis 2019
Locul 3 - Team Bob - 3 porumbei gratis 2019
Locul 4 - Dr de Weerd Pigeons - 2 porumbei gratis 2019
Locul 5 - Hok Reijnen - 1 porumbel gratis 2019

Finalisten und Gewinner der EUROPA MASTER PIGEONS OLR 2018

Finalists and winners of EUROPA MASTER PIGEONS OLR 2018

Finalistii si castigatorii editiei EUROPA MASTER PIGEONS OLR 2018

1 Winkie Pigeons - 20 000 euro
2 Team 1 - 15 000 euro
3 Giani + Petre - 10 000 euro
4 Benjamin Neag Team C - 7000 euro
5 Kary & Ady - 6000 euro
6 Team Bob Team C - 5000 euro
7 Radu + Pavel - 4000 euro
8 MIFUMA - 3000 euro
9 Team 1 - 2000 euro
10 Karl Heinz Wichert - 1000 euro
11 Team R.B.S. - 900 euro
12 Grec Mihai - 900 euro
13 Team Eschenberg - 900 euro
14 Familia Solovastru - 900 euro
15 Andreica + Bucsa - 900 euro
16 Cazacu Alexandru - 900 euro
17 Alexandru Tanase - 900 euro
18 Grec Mihai - 900 euro
19 Alexandru Tanase - 900 euro
20 Iacoban Sami - 900 euro
21 Edip Shaban - 800 euro
22 Onica Costel + Sotropa Daniel - 800 euro
23 Crescatoria Forum - 800 euro
24 Grigorian + Lazar - 800 euro
25 Team Hagen - 800 euro
26 Andreica + Pitu - 800 euro
27 Carciumaru + Bogdan - 800 euro
28 Heinz Hilleke - 800 euro
29 Dediu Daniel - 800 euro
30 Grec Mihai - 800 euro
31 Expres Arad - 700 euro
32 A. u. H. Klaas Team B - 700 euro
33 Balea Bogdan - 700 euro
34 Nichitean Arcadie - 700 euro
35 Team Flonta - 700 euro
36 Dickmann - Josef Stroetges - 700 euro
37 Tatar + Rogoz - 700 euro
38 Mirauta Daniel + Cornel - 700 euro
39 Preluca Dumitru - 700 euro
40 Team Valeriu & Claudiu - 700 euro
41 Dietmar Lewe - Rothland - 600 euro
42 Pelepco Catalin - 600 euro
43 Tiron + Petrescu - 600 euro
44 Team Hotel Adelmann - 600 euro
45 Grigorian + Lazar - 600 euro
46 SG Rohlig & Bukowski L. - 600 euro
47 Petar & Kiril Raponski Team B - 600 euro
48 Steak- Vernichter - 600 euro
49 Team Flonta - 600 euro
50 Team Valeriu & Claudiu - 600 euro
51 Nichitean Arcadie - 500 euro
52 Timis Ilie - 500 euro
53 Brieftaubenfreunde O.W.L. Team 2 - 500 euro
54 Jochen + Nadine Huenten - 500 euro
55 ZG. Helios - Bucher & Gehrken - 500 euro
56 Dr. De Weerd Pigeons Team A - 500 euro
57 Ionesi Ioan & Constantin - 500 euro
58 Team Germany - Toni Deigner Team A - 500 euro
59 Team Mark Buse & Family - 500 euro
60 A. u. H. Klaas Team A - 500 euro
61 TGD - Tibi - 400 euro
62 Below & Wagner - 400 euro
63 Karl Heinz Wichert - 400 euro
64 Radu + Pavel - 400 euro
65 Roels A & C Team A - 400 euro
66 Dimitar Todorov - 400 euro
67 OLR Ostseeflug Usedom Team A - 400 euro
68 Pigeons Airport Team - 400 euro
69 Alexander Gebel - 400 euro
70 Breaban Valerica - 400 euro
71 Ivan & Dimo - 300 euro
72 Team Germany W.A.Waldow + S. Thiel - 300 euro
73 Gut Flug - 300 euro
74 Fratii Lupu & Olaroiu - 300 euro
75 Sebastian Rolff - 300 euro
76 Christoph Muller 1 - 300 euro
77 Bichir Valentin - 300 euro
78 Dr. De Weerd Pigeons Team B - 300 euro
79 Brieftaubenfreunde O.W.L. Team 2 - 300 euro
80 Benjamin Neag Team B - 300 euro
81 Team Coldea + Basch - 200 euro
82 Bogdan Crainea - 200 euro
83 Panzari Constantin - 200 euro
84 Gagea Ionut + Cristi - 200 euro
85 Steak- Vernichter - 200 euro
86 Familie Soellner - 200 euro
87 Andreica + Bucsa - 200 euro
88 Steak- Vernichter - 200 euro
89 Andreica + Bucsa - 200 euro
90 Iuga Dorin Team 2 - 200 euro
91 Dediu Daniel - 100 euro
92 Fast Pigeons & Laro Ervin - 100 euro
93 Hok Reijnen & Bolton Team A - 100 euro
94 Team Germany- Bibi Stefanescu - 100 euro
95 ZG Helios, Yu Tao, Huebner, Gehrken - 100 euro
96 Dr. Angela Targatz - 100 euro
97 G.u.H. Schilling - 100 euro
98 Iuga Dorin Team 2 - 100 euro
99 Hardy Kruger - 100 euro
100 Comb. Poelman - 100 euro

Finalists and winners of EUROPA MASTER PIGEONS OLR 2018,
AS Elite :
1. RO-18- 012164 TGD-Tibi

The winners Hot Spot 3 - MEDGIDIA – Tortoman -  374 Km
traseu medgidia

Locul 1 – Roels A & C Team B – 3.000 Euro

Locul 2 – Team Germany - Toni Deigner Team B  –  2.000 Euro

Locul 3 – Team Sofia – 1.000 Euro

Locul 4 – MIFUMA – 900 Euro

Locul 5 – Brieftaubenfreunde O.W.L. Team 1 – 800 Euro

Locul 6 – Team Valeriu & Claudiu – 700 Euro

Locul 7 – Bogdan Crainea – 600 Euro

Locul 8 – Tatar + Rogoz – 500 Euro

Locul 9 – Grec Mihai – 400 Euro

Locul 10 – Team Germany - Dr. Targatz Angela – 300 Euro

Locul 11 – Team 2 – 200 Euro

Locul 12 – Ivan & Dimo – 100 Euro

Locul 13 – Team Hotel Adelmann – 50 Euro

Locul 14 – Dr. De Weerd Pigeons Team A – 50 Euro

Locul 15 – Cazacu Alexandru – 50 Euro

Locul 16 – Pigeons Airport Team – 50 Euro

Locul 17 – Team Apachite Cristian & Rida Kafi & Karim – 50 Euro

Locul 18 – Hok Reijnen & Bolton Team A – 50 Euro

Locul 19 – Team Bob Team B – 50 Euro

Locul 20 – Karl Heinz Lang – 50 Euro

Locul 21 – ZG. Helios - Bucher & Gehrken – 50 Euro

Locul 22 – Team Verl – 50 Euro

Crescator 2 porumbei – Die schnellsten zwei Tauben

Loc 1.  Team Valeriu & Claudiu  – 500 Euro

Loc 2.   MIFUMA– 300 Euro

Loc 3. Team Apachite Cristian & Rida Kafi & Karim – 200 Euro

Loc 4. Hok Reijnen & Bolton Team A – 150 Euro

Loc 5. Karl Heinz Lang – 150 Euro

Crescator 3 porumbei - Die schnellsten drei Tauben

Locul 1 - Team Valeriu & Claudiu - 700 Euro
Locul 2 – Familia Lepadatu – 500 Euro
Locul 3 - Team Bob B - 350 Euro
Locul 4 – Cazacu Alexandru – 200 Euro
Locul 5 - Iacoban Sami – 200 Euro


The winners Hot Spot 3 - BRAILA -Unirea-  289 Km
traseu Braila

Locul 1 – ZG Helios, Yu Tao, Huebner, Gehrken – 700 Euro

Locul 2 – Cazacu Alexandru  –  400 Euro

Locul 3 – Sebastian Rolff  – 300 Euro

Locul 4 – Iacoban Sami  – 200 Euro

Locul 5 – Below & Wagner – 100 Euro

Crescator 2 porumbei – Die schnellsten zwei Tauben

Loc 1.  Sebastian Rolff   – 300 Euro

Loc 2. ZG Helios, Yu Tao, Huebner, Gehrken – 200 Euro

Loc 3. Brieftaubenfreunde O.W.L. Team 2 – 100 Euro

Crescator 3 porumbei - Die schnellsten drei Tauben

Locul 1 -  Sebastian Rolff -  500 Euro

Locul 2 –  Cazacu Alexandru  – 300 Euro

Locul 3 – Pigeons Airport Team – 150 Euro

The winners Hot Spot 2 - Marasesti - Tisita 189 Km

Traseu HS 2 :   Marasesti Tisita   –  > >> Europa Maaster Pigeons
traseu 2
Locul 1 – Pigeons Airport Team – 700 Euro
Locul 2 – Crescatoria Forum – 400 Euro
Locul 3 – Siebert & Gunther  – 300 Euro
Locul 4 – Brieftauben O.W.L.  – 200 Euro
Locul 5 – Edip Shaban  – 100 Euro

Crescator 2 porumbei – Die schnellsten zwei Tauben
Loc 1.  Jan Bochenczak – 300 Euro
Loc 2. Giani + Maya  – 200 Euro
Loc 3. Tatar + Rogoz  – 100 Euro

Crescator 3 porumbei - Die schnellsten drei Tauben
Locul 1 -  Giani + Petre   500 Euro
Locul 2 – Team Germany W. A. Waldow + S. Thiel  – 300 Euro
Locul 3 – Nichitean Arcadie – 150 Euro


The winners Hot Spot 1 – ODOBESTI - 108 Km

Traseu HS 1 : Comuna Odobesti - >>> Europa Master Pigeons
traseu 1
Locul 1 – Team Germany Bibi Stefanescu – 700 Euro
Locul 2 – Dietmar Lewe – Rothland – 400 Euro
Locul 3 – Lionte Lucian – 300 Euro
Locul 4 – Team Germany – Dr. Angela Targatz – 200 Euro
Locul 5 – Bogdan Crainea – 100 Euro

Crescator 2 porumbei - Die schnellsten zwei Tauben
Loc 1.  Lionte Lucian – 300 Euro
Loc 2. Team Hok Reijnen & Bolton Team – 200 Euro
Loc 3. Dr. De Weerd Pigeons Team – 100 Euro

Crescator 3 porumbei - Die schnellsten drei Tauben
Locul 1 -  Gacea Cristian si Ionut  500 Euro
Locul 2 – Dr. De Weerd Pigeons Tem – 300 Euro
Locul 3 – Team Hok Reijnen & Bolton Team – 150 Euro


FINALA : KAPLICA ( KAVARNA – cod postal 9650 ) BULGARIA = 486 Km08.09.2018

SEMIFINALA : MEDGIDIA = 389 Km 25.08.2018
HS3 : MACIN ( pe langa BRAILA ) = 284 Km 18.08.2018
HS2 : TARGU BUJOR = 172 Km( intre Barlad si Galati ) 11.08.2018
HS1 : ODOBESTI = 108 Km 04.08.2018

Intre etape se vor face minim un antrenament cu ceas si imbarcare intre 50Km si 80Km, care vor fi luate in calcul in clasamentul AS Master.

In perioada de pregatire, antrenare se vor face antrenamente zilnic intre 10Km si 70 Km cu ceasul pornit. Exceptie vor face zilele cu conditii atmosferice extreme ( ploi torentiale, vanturi puternice, canicula , etc ). Antrenamentele se vor efectua in toate cele 4 puncte cardinale.

Antrenamentele oficiale, care se vor lua in calcul la clasamentul AS Master vor incepe cu 09.07.2018 , si de la minim 30Km distanta de crescatorie.

Antrenamentele vor fi zilnice, cu imbarcare, in perioada 09.07.2018 – 01.08.2018. Organizatorii isi rezerva dreptul de a modifica datele de antrenament si concurs , daca situatia o impune. Orice modificare se va aduce la cunostinta participantilor .

Perioada de primire a porumbeilor este 01.03.2018-30.04.2018


loc de lansare Kaplinca

loc de lansare Kaplinca vedere satelit