The best of the best, the winners of the final
Place 1 : 23.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy SG Wiess DV - 09621 - 20 - 9738
Place 2 : 13.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy Butyka Ferenc FCI Austria - 308 - 20 - 527
Place 3 : 9.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy Jassim al Kulaib Team 1 220222 - Kuwait 20
Place 4 : 7.000 Euro + Diploma + medal Tanase Alexandru 002203 - RO 20
Place 5 : 6.000 Euro + Diploma + medal Comb Savov & van der Zhek 020138 - BG 20
Place 6 : 5.000 Euro + Diploma Nichitean Arcadie Team 2 950493 - RO 20
Place 7 : 4.000 Euro + Diploma Dediu Daniel FCI 478126 - RO 20
Place 8 : 3.000 Euro + Diploma Zdenek Pavlik Team 1 DV - 05927 - 20 - 436
Place 9 : 2.000 Euro + Diploma SG Steffl Team 1 DV - 08897 - 20 - 6307
Place 10 : 1.000 Euro + Diploma Alfons Klaas Team 3 DV 0507 - 20 - 957
Place 11 : 900 Euro Gigi Necula FCI 670037 - RO 20
Place 12 : 900 Euro Sporting Pigeons Team FCI 0241330 - Portugal 20
Place 13 : 900 Euro Marian Paskov Team 1 010985 - BG 20
Place 14 : 900 Euro Mike Schuler Team 4 DV - 05573 - 20 - 330
Place 15 : 900 Euro Team Dr. Teerachon - TEC FCI CHA - 20 - 93649 - Thailand
Place 16 : 900 Euro Pahnke - Gochel Team2 DV 03562 - 20 - 590
Place 17 : 900 Euro Mike Schuler Team 3 DV - 05573 - 20 - 329
Place 18 : 900 Euro Team OLR Champions DV - 02799 - 20 - 1910
Place 19 : 900 Euro Liteanu Ioan Team 2 2011122 - RO 20
Place 20 : 900 Euro Marko Germer DV 08104 - 20 - 334
Place 21 : 800 Euro Cyfra Sytanislaw PL - 0497 - 20 - 51
Place 22 : 800 Euro Joekel Skylights FCI DV - 07001 - 20 - 638
Place 23 : 800 Euro Team Germany - W A Waldow + S Thiel DV 04858 - 20 - 2232
Place 24 : 800 Euro Team 2 Hotel Adelmann DV 4320 - 20 - 559
Place 25 : 800 Euro Brieftaubenfreunde OWL Team 4 DV - 04320 - 20 - 567
Place 26 : 800 Euro Emiel Denys Team A Belg 20 - 3003430
Place 27 : 800 Euro Peter Damps FCI DV - 03253 - 20 - 19
Place 28 : 800 Euro Peixoto Team 1608 - CH 20
Place 29 : 800 Euro Team Germany - W A Waldow + S Thiel DV 04858 - 20 - 2127
Place 30 : 800 Euro ATX Suisse Team 2 CH - 20 - 4110
Place 31 : 700 Euro Team 3 Myloft.Ro 499007 - RO
Place 32 : 700 Euro Ing. Lutz Primes II AU 312 - 20 - 770
Place 33 : 700 Euro Adlige Oberallgaeuer DV - 05186 - 20 - 281
Place 34 : 700 Euro Gigi Necula FCI 670056 - RO 20
Place 35 : 700 Euro Jassim al Kulaib Team FCI 220234 - Kuweit 20
Place 36 : 700 Euro Valya and Rosen Dobrevi Team 1 013027 - BG 20
Two Pigeon Team Challenge
Place 1 : 700 Euro + Diploma + Trophy Gigi Necula FCI 11 + 34 = 45
ist aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar Team 1
Place 2 : 500 Euro + Diploma + Trophy Team Germany - W A Waldow + S Thiel 23 + 29 = 52
We have always been looking for the best solutions for pigeons and participants. From the beginning I wanted to organize a fair competition, with equal chances for all participants. I always looked for solutions and gladly accepted and applied any advice, idea or suggestion that made things better. In light of these events and the experience of the last 3 years, I decided to make some organizational changes. First of all, the amount of 33,850 euros, which represent unpaid prizes, will be divided equally among the number of pigeons embarked, but which did not make any prize. 33,850 euros / 596 (632 - 36) = 56 euros. Each participant who owns pigeons boarded in the final, but did not arrive in the first 36 pigeons, will receive a voucher of 60 euros for a pigeon boarded but not awarded, which can be used to pay the participation fee from 2021. If you are sure about the pigeons tai, then the voucher can be used to activate the reserve pigeons, its value being in this case 100 euros. The voucher can be used only in 2021.
The final stage will take place from a maximum distance of 450 km, probably Vama Veche. I think that the 450 km, on the chosen route and area, represents for a pigeon a correct distance, at the upper limit of its resistance, which gives it the possibility, regardless of the wind, of the temperature to return home.
There will be HSs from 100, 200, 300, 350 FCI, 400 and the final 450 Km (plus / minus a few Km, depending on the established route, which will be further east, to avoid as much as possible that the pigeons to enter the mountain).
The team will consist of 3 active pigeons and 3 reserve pigeons at the price of 600 euros. Activation of the pigeons after HS 4 will be 300 euros.
It is possible to participate only in the first 4 HS with a team of 5 + 1 pigeons at the price of 400 euros per team or 80 euros / pigeon.
Data will be set for HS, semifinal and final that will be respected, regardless of how the wind blows or the temperature.
The data can be changed, only in case of: heavy rains and wind over 25 km per hour, regardless of direction or temperatures over 35 degrees.
On this route the wind blows from the front and from the back and most of the time from the side. If you know that pigeons cannot fly in these conditions, it is better not to register. This is a sports competition not the red cross.
If there are any suggestions and constructive ideas for the benefit of the pigeons and the participants, please present them.
Wir haben immer nach den besten Lösungen für Tauben und Teilnehmer gesucht. Von Anfang an wollte ich einen fairen Wettbewerb mit gleichen Chancen für alle Teilnehmer organisieren. Ich habe immer nach Lösungen gesucht und gerne Ratschläge, Ideen oder Vorschläge angenommen und angewendet, die die Dinge besser gemacht haben. Angesichts der letzten Ausgabe und der Erfahrung der letzten 3 Jahre habe ich beschlossen, einige organisatorische Änderungen vorzunehmen. Zunächst wird der Betrag von 33.850 Euro, der nicht bezahlte Preise darstellt, zu gleichen Teilen auf die Anzahl der eingeschifften Tauben aufgeteilt, die jedoch keinen Preis erhalten haben. 33.850 Euro / 596 (632 - 36) = 56 Euro. Jeder Teilnehmer, der Tauben besitzt, die im Finale an Bord eingekorbt sind, aber nicht in den ersten 36 Tauben angekommen sind, erhält einen Gutschein in Höhe von 60 Euro für eine Tauben, an Bord befindliche, aber nicht gewinner Taube, mit dem die Teilnahmegebühr ab 2021 bezahlt werden kann. Mit dem Gutschein können auch die Reservetauben aktiviert werden, deren Wert in diesem Fall 100 Euro beträgt. Der Gutschein kann nur im Jahr 2021 verwendet werden.
Die letzte Etappe findet aus einer maximalen Entfernung von 450 km statt, wahrscheinlich Vama Veche. Ich denke, dass die 450 km auf der gewählten Route und dem gewählten Gebiet für eine Taube eine korrekte Entfernung an der Obergrenze ihres Widerstands darstellen, die es ihr ermöglicht, unabhängig vom Wind die Temperatur nach Hause zurückzukehren. Es wird HS von 100, 200, 300, 350 FCI, 400 und den letzten 450 km geben (plus / minus einige km, abhängig von der festgelegten Route, die weiter östlich liegt, um so weit wie möglich die Tauben zu vermeiden den Berg betreten).
Das Team besteht aus 3 aktiven Tauben und 3 Reservetauben zum Preis von 600 Euro. Die Aktivierung der Tauben nach HS 4 beträgt 300 Euro.
Es ist möglich, nur an den ersten 4 HS mit einem Team von 5 + 1 Tauben zum Preis von 400 Euro pro Team oder 80 Euro / Taube teilzunehmen.
Es werden Daten für HS, Halbfinale und Finale festgelegt, die unabhängig von Windstärke oder Temperatur eingehalten werden.
Die Daten können nur geändert werden, wenn: starker Regen und Wind über 25 km / h, unabhängig von Richtung oder Temperaturen über 35 Grad.
Auf dieser Strecke weht der Wind von vorne und von hinten und meistens von der Seite. Wenn Sie wissen, dass Tauben unter diesen Bedingungen nicht fliegen können, ist es besser, sich nicht zu registrieren. Dies ist ein Sportwettbewerb, nicht das Rote Kreuz.
Wenn es Vorschläge und konstruktive Ideen zum Nutzen der Tauben und der Teilnehmer gibt, legen Sie diese bitte vor.
Intotdeauna am cautat cele mai bune solutii pentru porumbei si pentru participanti. De la inceput mi-am dorit sa organizez o competitie corecta, cu sanse egale pentru toti participantii. Mereu am cautat solutii si am acceptat si aplicat cu bucurie orice sfat, idee sau sugestie care duceau lucrurile spre mai bine. In lumina ultimei editii si a experientei din ultimii 3 ani am hotarat sa fac cateva modificari de organizare. In primul rand suma de 33.850 euro, care reprezinta premii neplatite se va imparti in mod egal la numarul de porumbei imbarcati , dar care nu au facut nici un premiu. 33.850 euro / 596 ( 632 - 36 ) = 56 euro. Fiecare participant care detine porumbei imbarcati la finala , dar nesositi in primii 36 de porumbei , va primii un bon valoric de 60 de euro de porumbel imbarcat, dar nepremiat, care poate fi folosit la achitarea taxei de participare din 2021. Daca esti sigur pe porumbeii, atunci bonul valoric poate fi folosit la activarea porumbeilor rezerva, valoarea lui fiind in acest caz de 100 euro. Bonul valoric poate fi folosit doar in anul 2021.
Etapa finala va avea loc de la distanta maxima de 450 Km, probabil Vama Veche. Cred ca cei 450 km, pe ruta si zona aleasa reprezinta pentru un pui de porumbel o distanta corecta, la limita superioara a rezistentei sale , care ii da posibilitatea, indiferent de vant, temperatura sa se intoarca acasa. Vor exista HS-uri de la 100 , 200, 300, 350 FCI, 400 si finala 450 Km ( plus / minus cativa Km, in functie de ruta stabilita, care va fi mai spre est, pentru a evita cat mai mult posibil ca porumbeii sa intre peste munte ).
Echipa va fi formata din 3 porumbei activi si 3 porumbei rezerva la pretul de 600 euro. Activarea porumbeilor dupa HS 4 va fi de 300 euro.
Se mentine posibilitatea de a participa doar la primele 4 HS-uri cu o echipa de 5 1 porumbei la pretul de 400 euro echipa sau 80 euro / porumbel.
Se vor stabili date pentru HS-uri , semifinala si finala care vor fi respectate, indiferent de cum bate vantul sau temperatura.
Datele pot fi schimbate, doar in caz de : ploii masive si vant peste 25 Km la ora, indiferent de directie sau temperaturi de peste 35 de grade.
Pe aceasta ruta vantul bate si din fata si din spate si mai tot timpul din laterala. Daca stii ca porumbeii tai nu pot zbura in aceste conditii, este mai bine sa nu te inscrii. Aceasta este o competitie sportiva nu crucea rosie.
Daca mai exista sugestii si idei constructive in folosul porumbeilor si al participantilor, va rog sa le prezentati.
We have decided that today, September 25, 2020, at 18.00, the competition will close. Absolutely all the money that was prizes and cannot be paid, because the places in the respective category were not occupied, will be related to the prizes from next year's final.
As you know, we had an extremely difficult final. So far there are only 35 pigeons arrived out of 632 pigeons released. An earthquake struck near the launch site on Tuesday afternoon. The pigeons feel and are affected a few hours earlier and after an earthquake. The pigeons flew straight to the house, but the side wind pushed them under the mountains in southern Romania. Because the magnetic field was affected by the earthquake, they did not correct their direction and flew where they saw with their eyes and the wind blew them away. When they moved far enough away and their orientation returned to normal, they corrected their direction and went home, they had to cross the mountains in southern Romania. Most of the announced pigeons are located in the west of the country or in the south, near Yugoslavia, 400 - 600 km away from the starting point and 400 - 600 km from the house. Of the pigeons that returned, only 2 came from the south, from the correct direction, 4th and 8th place. The rest came from the northwest over the mountains. In my opinion, came those pigeons that could fly 600-700 km on the first day and 200-300 km the next day.
Ich habe beschlossen, dass heute 25.09.2020 um 18.00 Uhr der Wettbewerb geschlossen wird. Absolut das gesamte Geld, das Preise war und nicht ausgezahlt werden kann, weil die Plätze in der jeweiligen Kategorie nicht besetzt waren, wird mit den Preisen aus dem Finale des nächsten Jahres in Verbindung gebracht.
Wie Sie wissen, hatten wir ein äußerst schwieriges Finale. Bisher sind nur 35 von 632 freigelassenen Tauben eingetroffen. Am Dienstagnachmittag ereignete sich in der Nähe des Startplatzes ein Erdbeben. Die Tauben fühlen und sind einige Stunden früher und nach einem Erdbeben betroffen. Die Tauben flogen direkt zum Haus, aber der Seitenwind drückte sie unter die Berge in Südrumänien. Da das Magnetfeld vom Erdbeben betroffen war, korrigierten sie ihre Richtung nicht und flogen mit ihren Augen dorthin, wo sie sahen, und der Wind blies sie weg. Als sie sich weit genug entfernt hatten und ihre Orientierung wieder normal war, korrigierten sie ihre Richtung und gingen nach Hause. Sie mussten die Berge in Südrumänien überqueren. Die meisten der angekündigten Tauben befinden sich im Westen des Landes oder im Süden in der Nähe von Jugoslawien, 400 bis 600 km vom Startpunkt und 400 bis 600 km vom Haus entfernt. Von den zurückgekehrten Tauben kamen nur 2 aus dem Süden, aus der richtigen Richtung, 4. und 8. Platz. Der Rest kam aus dem Nordwesten über die Berge. Meiner Meinung nach kamen jene Tauben, die am ersten Tag 600-700 km und am nächsten Tag 200-300 km fliegen konnten.
Am decis ca astazi 25.09.2020 la orele 18.00 se va inchide competitia. Absolut toti banii care erau premii si nu se pot platii , deoarece locurile la categoria respectiva nu a fost ocupate, se vor raporta la premiile din finala de anul viitor.
Dupa cum stiti, am avut o finala extrem de grea. Pana la aceasta ora sunt doar 35 de porumbei sositi din 632 de porumbei eliberati. Marti după prânz a avut loc un cutremur in apropiere de locul lansării. Porumbeii simt și sunt afectați cu câteva ore mai devreme și după ce are loc un cutremur. Porumbeii au zburat corect spre casă, dar vântul lateral i-a împins sub munții din sudul României. Deoarece câmpul magnetic a fost afectat de cutremur, ei nu și-au mai corectat direcția si au zburat unde au vazut cu ochii si ia dus vantul. Când s-au indepartat suficent de mult si orientarea lor a revenit la normal și-au corectat directia si au plecat spre casă, au fost nevoiți să traverseze munții din sudul României. Majoritatea porumbeilor anunțați se află în vestul țării sau în sud, lângă Iugoslavia, la 400 - 600 km distanță de punctul de plecare si 400 - 600 km de casa. Dintre porumbeii care s-au întors, doar 2 au venit din sud, din directia corecta, locul 4 si 8. Restul au venit din nord-vest peste munți. După părerea mea, au venit acei porumbei care au putut zbura 600-700 km în prima zi și 200-300 km în a doua zi.
Както знаете, имахме изключително труден финал. Досега има само 35 пристигнали гълъби от 632 освободени гълъби. Във вторник следобед земетресение се случи близо до мястото за изстрелване. Гълъбите се чувстват и са засегнати няколко часа по-рано и след земетресение. Гълъбите полетяха право към къщата, но страничният вятър ги изтласка под планините в Южна Румъния. Тъй като магнитното поле беше засегнато от земетресението, те не коригираха посоката си и полетяха там, където видяха с очите си, а вятърът ги отнесе. Когато се отдалечиха достатъчно далеч и ориентацията им се нормализира, те коригираха посоката си и се прибраха у дома, трябваше да прекосят планините в Южна Румъния. Повечето от обявените гълъби се намират на запад от страната или на юг, близо до Югославия, на 400 - 600 км от началната точка и на 400 - 600 км от къщата. От гълъбите, които се завърнаха, само 2 дойдоха от юг, от правилната посока, 4-то и 8-мо място.Останалите дойдоха от северозапад над планините. Според мен дойдоха онези гълъби, които могат да летят 600-700 км през първия ден и 200-300 км на следващия ден.
Решихме, че днес, 25 септември 2020 г., в 18.00 часа, състезанието ще бъде закрито. Абсолютно всички пари, които са били награди и не могат да бъдат изплатени, тъй като местата в съответната категория не са заети, ще бъдат свързани с наградите от финала за следващата година.
Come sapete, abbiamo avuto una finale estremamente difficile. Finora sono arrivati solo 35 piccioni su 632 liberati. Martedì pomeriggio un terremoto ha colpito vicino al sito di lancio. I piccioni si sentono e vengono colpiti poche ore prima e dopo un terremoto. I piccioni sono volati direttamente a casa, ma il vento laterale li ha spinti sotto le montagne nel sud della Romania. Poiché il campo magnetico è stato influenzato dal terremoto, non hanno corretto la loro direzione e hanno volato dove vedevano con gli occhi e il vento li ha portati via. Quando si sono allontanati abbastanza e il loro orientamento è tornato normale, hanno corretto la loro direzione e sono partiti per casa, hanno dovuto attraversare le montagne nel sud della Romania. La maggior parte dei piccioni annunciati si trova nell'ovest del paese o nel sud, vicino alla Jugoslavia, a 400-600 km dal punto di partenza e 400-600 km dalla casa. Dei piccioni che sono tornati, solo 2 provenivano da sud, dalla direzione corretta, 4 ° e 8 ° posto, gli altri da nordovest sulle montagne. Secondo me sono arrivati quei piccioni che potevano volare per 600-700 km il primo giorno e 200-300 km il giorno successivo.
Abbiamo deciso che oggi, 25 settembre 2020, alle 18.00, il concorso si chiuderà. Assolutamente tutti i soldi che erano premi e non possono essere pagati, perché i posti nella rispettiva categoria non erano occupati, saranno relativi ai premi della finale del prossimo anno.
Comme vous le savez, nous avons eu une finale extrêmement difficile. Jusqu'à présent, seuls 35 pigeons sont arrivés sur 632 pigeons relâchés. Un tremblement de terre a frappé près du site de lancement mardi après-midi. Les pigeons se sentent et sont affectés quelques heures plus tôt et après un tremblement de terre. Les pigeons ont volé droit vers la maison, mais le vent latéral les a poussés sous les montagnes du sud de la Roumanie. Parce que le champ magnétique a été affecté par le tremblement de terre, ils n'ont pas corrigé leur direction et ont volé là où ils ont vu avec leurs yeux et le vent les a emportés. Lorsqu'ils se sont éloignés suffisamment et que leur orientation est revenue à la normale, ils ont corrigé leur direction et sont partis pour la maison, ils ont dû traverser les montagnes du sud de la Roumanie. La plupart des pigeons annoncés sont situés dans l'ouest du pays ou dans le sud, près de la Yougoslavie, à 400 - 600 km du point de départ et à 400 - 600 km de la maison. Parmi les pigeons qui sont revenus, seuls 2 venaient du sud, de la bonne direction, les 4e et 8e places, le reste venait du nord-ouest sur les montagnes. À mon avis, sont venus ces pigeons qui pouvaient parcourir 600 à 700 km le premier jour et 200 à 300 km le lendemain.
Nous avons décidé qu'aujourd'hui, 25 septembre 2020, à 18h00, la compétition se clôturera. Absolument tout l'argent qui était des prix et qui ne peut être payé, parce que les places dans la catégorie respective n'étaient pas occupées, sera lié aux prix de la finale de l'année prochaine.
Tulad ng alam mo, nagkaroon kami ng isang napakahirap na panghuli. Sa ngayon mayroon lamang 35 mga kalapati ang dumating mula sa 632 na mga kalapati na pinakawalan. Isang lindol ang naganap malapit sa lugar ng paglunsad noong Martes ng hapon. Ang mga pigeons ay nararamdaman at apektado ng ilang oras mas maaga at pagkatapos ng isang lindol. Ang mga kalapati ay lumipad diretso sa bahay, ngunit itinulak sila ng hangin sa gilid sa ilalim ng mga bundok sa timog ng Romania. Dahil naapektuhan ng lindol ang magnetikong patlang, hindi nila itinama ang kanilang direksyon at lumipad kung saan nakita ng kanilang mga mata at hinipan sila ng hangin. Kapag lumipat sila nang malayo at ang kanilang orientation ay bumalik sa normal, naitama nila ang kanilang direksyon at umalis na pauwi, kailangan nilang tumawid sa mga bundok sa timog ng Romania. Karamihan sa mga inihayag na kalapati ay matatagpuan sa kanluran ng bansa o sa timog, malapit sa Yugoslavia, 400 - 600 km ang layo mula sa panimulang punto at 400 - 600 km mula sa bahay. Sa mga kalapati na bumalik, 2 lamang ang nagmula sa timog, mula sa tamang direksyon, ika-4 at ika-8 na lugar. Ang natitira ay nagmula sa hilagang-kanluran sa ibabaw ng mga bundok. Sa palagay ko, dumating ang mga kalapati na maaaring lumipad ng 600-700 km sa unang araw at 200-300 km sa susunod na araw.
Napagpasyahan namin na ngayon, Setyembre 25, 2020, sa 18.00, ang kompetisyon ay magsasara. Ganap na lahat ng pera na naging premyo at hindi mababayaran, dahil ang mga lugar sa kani-kanilang kategorya ay hindi sinakop, ay maiuugnay sa mga premyo mula sa panghuling taon.
I try to analyze what happened, where it went wrong, what can be improved, but my thoughts, mind and heart are far away, for the pigeons that are not returned home. For me, they were like my children, especially since this year I was quarantined for 45 days, day and night with the pigeons. The side wind was 10-20 km weaker than last year, and last year they came through the mountains, and compared to about the same number of pigeons on board, last year there were over 300 pigeons returned home. The only logical explanation is that the earthquake in the launch area influenced the orientation of the pigeons and affected them.
In other words, I don't think there is a participant who hasn't been warned that the route they are flying is a difficult one, especially difficult and if you don't have strong pigeons it is advisable not to participate. But before the war, everyone is a hero, and they want super distances and super winds. Afterwards, everyone becomes wise, because they knew, they said.
For the same reason, I gave the opportunity to participate only in the first 4 HS. If we were to make a comparison: the first 4 HS are like sports boxing, 3 rounds, you become an Olympic, world champion, the world applauds you, you take your cup, you retire in glory. The semifinal is professional boxing, 15 rounds, the requirements are already higher. The final is the fight in the cage, the winner is the one who stays standing. So it is logical that the type of competitor, of fighter to be different and only an extremely small number are able to win in all categories, to be constant.
I know that everyone, in fact, that the final will be difficult, because there are always currents from the sea, no matter how the wind blows, which pushes the pigeons to the west, under the Carpathian arch, and at a distance of 500 km, the wind changes the direction of several times, the relief forms over which the flight route is, create this possibility. The final is the final, with a fixed date and except for extreme rains or storms, it must remain unchanged. It is a date chosen months in advance, and keeping that date does not favor anyone, each with his luck. So we knew the date, the distance and the extremely difficult degree of the route. I don't understand where my mistake as an organizer is. I am responsible for the participating pigeons until the final launch, which was a success. The place was good, the departure of the pigeons is correct, what happens in the air, after, I can no longer influence. I did everything I could to prepare them, to keep them healthy and to have a wing and a shell as good as possible for the final flight. I trained the pigeons daily and in the morning and in the evening, because I knew what a difficult route it is in the final and so that the pigeons can fly for 2-3 days for 8-10 hours. We started the year with 1380 pigeons. About 200 pigeons were mature in age, had 4-5 feathered feathers at the reception, which whenever scared of something flew into their world and did not return. I can say that I actually started training with less than 1,250 pigeons. We embarked for the final 632 pigeons, after 5 HS and countless trainings. 90% of the pigeons still had at least 2 moulting feathers, most of the wings were identical, so they had the same chance, but the success of a difficult flight depends on the pigeon, on its genetics. Not all pigeons can fly 600-700 km on the first day and a few hundred more the next day.
The best route would be from Ukraine, perpendicular to OLR, but at the moment no launches can be made from their territory. Another solution would be the 440 km final from Vama Veche. The wind and air currents from the sea will always exist in the area, and will push them into the mountains, so the idea of waiting for a day for the final with wind in front, is not normal and may not exist. Like this year: last week there was only wind back / side and in the following weeks there is no clean wind in front.
I believe that the solution to participate in the first 4 HS and with the possibility to participate in the final, optionally, is the most correct.
Anyone who has ideas or suggestions to improve something, please tell her, if it is fair play and logic, they do it with the greatest pleasure.
Locul 1 - HS 5, Myloft | Locul 3 - HS 5, Peter Damps |
The best of the best, the winners at HS 5
Place 1 : 3.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy = Team 6 - 499018 - RO 20
Place 2 : 2.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy = Bert Ploeg Team 2 - 1070429 - NL 20
Place 3 : 1.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy = Peter Damps FCI - DV - 03253 - 20 - 19
Place 4 : 900 Euro = Nichitean & Blasciuc Team 1 - 1210299 - RO 20
Place 5 : 800 Euro = Kuffer Ferdinand - DV - 06769 - 20 - 507
Place 6 : 700 Euro = Easy Win - UCP - 550252 - RO 20
Place 7 : 600 Euro = Kussen Josef - 910206 - RO 20
Place 8 : 500 Euro = Mike Schuler Team 6 FCI - DV - 05573 - 20 - 351
Place 9 : 400 Euro = P. vd Berg & Zn FCI - NL 20 - 1321365
Place 10 : 300 Euro = Georg Oswald Team 2 - DV - 05001 - 20 - 2022
Place 11 : 200 Euro = Team Germany - Werner A. Waldow & Sebastian Rolff -DV 04858 - 20 - 2102
Place 12 : 200 Euro = Cyfra Sytanislaw - PL - 0497 - 20 - 51
Place 13 : 200 Euro = Brieftaubenfreunde OWL Team 3 - DV - 08668 - 20 - 1429
Place 14 : 200 Euro = SG Grothe / Nixdorf Team 1 - DV 03200 - 20 - 1
Place 15 : 200 Euro = Kary and Ady FCI - 238004 - RO 20
Place 16 : 200 Euro = Stroetges - 1652035 - NL 20
Place 17 : 200 Euro = Dieter Siebert Team 1 - DV - 06723 - 20 - 444
Place 18 : 200 Euro = Dieter Siebert Team 2 - DV - 06723 - 20 - 780
Place 19 : 200 Euro = Fratii Chiranu - 130632 - UCP - RO 20
Place 20 : 200 Euro = Jurgen Stefaniszyn Team 1 - DV - 05544 - 20 - 174
Place 21 : 100 Euro = Bert Ploeg Team 2 - 1070471 - NL 20
Place 22 : 100 Euro = Meyer & Gehrken - DV 01777 - 20 - 883
Place 23 : 100 Euro = Josef MERZ Team 1 - DV 09430 - 20 - 314
Place 24 : 100 Euro = Altmiks- Soudy- Pigeons Team 3 - DV 05536 - 20 - 135
Place 25 : 100 Euro = Team H.u.M 1 - DV 07832 - 20 - 532
Place 26 : 100 Euro = Petar and Kiril Raponski Team 1 - 44550 - BG 20
Place 27 : 100 Euro = ZG Helios II - DV 04195 - 20 - 541
Place 28 : 100 Euro = necunoscut 792105 - 792105
Place 29 : 100 Euro = Team Dr. Teerachon - TEC FCI - CHA - 20 - 93645 - Thailand
Place 30 : 100 Euro = Mike Schuler Team 5 - DV - 05573 - 20 - 338
Two Pigeon Team Challenge
Place 1 : 500 Euro + Diploma + Trophy Bert Ploeg Team 2 2 + 21 = 23
Place 2 : 300 Euro + Diploma + Trophy Easy Win 6 + 41 = 47
Place 3 : 200 Euro + Diploma + Trophy Team Germany - Werner A. Waldow & Sebastian Rolff
11 + 87 = 99
Place 4 : 150 Euro + Diploma ZG Helios II 27 + 73 = 100
Place 5 : 150 Euro + Diploma Valya and Rosen Dobrevi Team 4 47 + 72 = 119
Three Pigeons Team Challenge
Place 1 : 700 Euro + Diploma + Trophy Petar and Kiril Raponski Team 1 26 + 108 + 115 = 249
Place 2 : 500 Euro + Diploma + Trophy Valya and Rosen Dobrevi Team 4 47 + 72 + 159 = 278
Place 3 : 350 Euro + Diploma + Trophy Maziarz Racing Team 1 59 + 147 + 158 = 364
Place 4 : 200 Euro + Diploma ZG Helios II 27+ 73 + 339 = 439
Place 5 : 200 Euro + Diploma Meyer & Gehrken 22 + 124 + 386 = 532
Sincere congratulations to the winners, but also to the other competitors.
List of pigeons to be activated / Liste der zu aktivierenden Tauben / Lista gołębi do aktywacji / Списък на гълъбите, които трябва да бъдат активирани / Lijst met te activeren duiven /
Elenco dei piccioni da attivare / Lista de pombos a serem ativados / Lista de palomas a activar
Academy Loft CZ - 060 - 20 - 5593 ist aktiviert von Balea Bogdan Team 1
Damian Szewc PL 0207 - 20 - 2536 ist aktiviert von Zhang von China Team 1
Figo Mehmet FCI 012681 - Turkey 20 activat de Yildiz Kardesler Turcia
Gagea Ionut + Cristi 330014 -RO 20 ist aktiviert von Balea Bogdan Team 1
Gigi Necula FCI 670054 - RO 20 ist aktiviert von Zhang von China Team 1
+ 670056 - RO 20 + ist aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar Team 1
670037 - RO 20 ist aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar Team 1
+ 670033 - RO 20 ist aktiviert von Zhang von China Team 1
Heroes of the sky FCI DV - 0187 - 20 - 3841 / 3843 sind aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar Team 1
Ing. Lutz Primes II AU 312 - 20 - 772 ist aktiviert von Zhang von China Team 1
Ivan Ivanov - Borovo 024208 - BG 20 ist aktiviert von Zhang von China Team 2
Maki 494012 - RO ist aktiviert von Balea Bogdan Team 1
+ 494024 - RO ist aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar
Marquart + Sohne FCI Team A DV 09999 - 20 - 1877 ist aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar
Team 1
+ DV 09999 - 20 - 1868 + ist aktiviert von Zhang von China Team 2
DV 09999 - 20 - 2014 ist aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar Team 2
+ DV 09999 - 20 - 1913 + ist aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar Team 2
DV 09999 - 20 - 1958 ist aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar Team 2
Team B DV 09999 - 20 - 1871 ist aktiviert von Zhang von China Team 2
+ DV 09999 - 20 - 1903 + ist aktiviert von Balea Bogdan Team 1
DV 09999 - 20 - 2022 ist aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar Team 2
+ DV 09999 - 20 - 2001 + ist aktiviert von Balea Bogdan Team 2
DV 09999 - 20 - 2006 + ist aktiviert von Achim Goeben von Deuschland
Team 1
DV 09999 - 20 - 1869 + ist aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar Team 3
DV 09999 - 20 - 2012 + ist aktiviert von Carlos – Filipine
DV 09999 - 20 - 1969 + ist aktiviert von Balea Bogdan Team 2
DV 09999 - 20 -1876 ist aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar Team 3
Matei Ploscaru + Lica Hotea Team 2/ 3 518090 - RO 20 + ist aktiviert von Zhang von China Team 2
120895 - Italy 20 ist aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar Team 3
Olar Aurel George & Spaimoc Iacob 664815 - RO 20 ist aktiviert von Zhang von China Team 3
+ 664822 - RO 20 ist aktiviert von Zhang von China Team 3
Peixoto Team 1585 - CH 20 ist aktiviert von ROLI WIRZ von Schweiz
Roedertalflieger Trepte FCI DV - 09580 - 20 - 231 ist aktiviert von Balea Bogdan Team 2
+ DV - 09580 - 20 - 156 + ist aktiviert von Achim Goeben von Deuschland
Team 1
DV - 09580 - 20 - 260 ist aktiviert von Balea Bogdan Team 2
+ DV - 09580 - 20 - 162 + ist aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar Team 3
DV - 09580 - 20 - 158 ist aktiviert von Zhang von China Team 3
Sporting Pigeons Team FCI 0241238 - Portugal 20 ist aktiviert von Zhang von China Team 3
+ 0241330 - Portugal 20 + ist aktiviert von Balea Bogdan Team 3
0241268 - Portugal 20 ist aktiviert von Muijkic Austria
Team Bob 1 357116 - FR 20 ist aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar Team 4
Team Bob 2 356511 - FR 20 ist aktiviert von Balea Bogdan Team 3
+ 356587 - FR 20 ist aktiviert von Zhang von China Team 4
Team Coldea & Basch FCI 412198 - RO 20 ist aktiviert von Balea Bogdan Team 3
Team Gold-Cioaba+Scutariu Team 1 DV 09614 - 20 - 723 ist aktiviert von Zhang von China
Team 4
Team 2 499009 - RO + ist aktiviert von Zhang von China Team 4
499010 - RO ist aktiviert von Balea Bogdan Team 3
Team 3 Myloft.Ro 499008 - RO + ist aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar Team 4
499002 - RO ist aktiviert von Muijkic Austria
Team 4 499016 - RO 20 ist aktiviert von Zhang von China Team 4
Team 5 Myloft.Ro 499021 - RO 20 ist aktiviert von Balea Bogdan Team 4
Team 6 504126 - RO 20 ist aktiviert von Soufiane von Qatar Team 4
+ 504125 - RO 20 ist aktiviert von Zhang von China Team 5
Team 7 499020 - RO 20 ist aktiviert von Balea Bogdan Team 4
Teilnehmer in der einfachen Form FCI müssen bis Montag, den 31.08.2020 angeben, ob sie ihre Tauben für das Halbfinale und das Finale aktivieren. Oder sie stimmen zu, dass ihre Tauben von der 3. Person aktiviert werden sollen. Wenn Sie aufhören möchten, werden die Tauben in den nächsten Tagen zur Versteigerung angeboten. Welche Entscheidung Sie auch treffen, ich danke Ihnen auch für Ihre Teilnahme
Ich wünsche Ihnen weiterhin viel Erfolg.
Bitte diejenigen, die die Abstammungen in vereinfachter Form gesendet haben, oder per E-Mail, die Originale mit der Eigenschaft Coupons an die folgende Adresse zu senden:
Sat BAIA, comuna BAIA - 727020, Jud. Suceava, ROMANIA
Payment for activation will be made to the following account:
for payments in EURO:
IBAN: RO10 BTRL EURC RT04 7787 8001
As you know, after this stage the pigeons must be activated, the reserves, if you want to compete for the grand prizes in the semifinals and final. Activation costs 300 euros for each pigeon.
Participants in the simple FCI form, must say by Monday 31.08.2020 if they activate their pigeons for the semifinals and final. Or they agree that their pigeons should be activated by the 3rd person. If you want to stop, in the next few days, the pigeons will be put up for auction. Whatever decision you make, I thank you for your participation as well
I wish you continued success.
Please those who have sent the pedigrees in simplified form, or by mail, to send the originals with the property coupons to the following address:
Come sapete, dopo questa fase vanno attivati i piccioni, le riserve, se si vuole concorrere per i gran premi in semifinale e finale. L'attivazione costa 300 euro per ogni piccione.
I partecipanti al modulo FCI semplice, devono comunicare entro lunedì 31.08.2020 se attivano i propri piccioni per le semifinali e la finale. Oppure concordano che i loro piccioni dovrebbero essere attivati dalla terza persona. Se vuoi fermarti, nei prossimi giorni i piccioni saranno messi all'asta. Qualunque decisione prendiate, vi ringrazio anche per la vostra partecipazione
Ti auguro un successo continuo.
Si prega coloro che hanno inviato i pedigree in forma semplificata, o per posta, di inviare gli originali con i tagliandi di proprietà al seguente indirizzo:
Como sabes, luego de esta etapa hay que activar las palomas, las reservas, si quieres competir por los grandes premios en semifinales y final. La activación cuesta 300 euros por cada paloma.
Los participantes en el formulario FCI simple, deben decir antes del lunes 31.08.2020 si activan sus palomas para las semifinales y la final. O acuerdan que sus palomas deben ser activadas por la tercera persona. Si quieres parar, en los próximos días se pondrán a subasta las palomas. Sea cual sea la decisión que tome, también le agradezco su participación.
Le deseo un éxito continuo.
Quienes hayan enviado los pedigríes en forma simplificada, o por correo, envíen los originales con los cupones de propiedad a la siguiente dirección:
Sat BAIA, comuna BAIA - 727020, Jud. Suceava, ROMANIA
Payment for activation will be made to the following account:
Addresses: Str. Catunului Nr. 2, ComunaBaia, Sat Baia, 727020, Jud. Suceava, Rumänien
Addresses 725200 Falticeni, Str. Republic, Romania
for payments in EURO:
IBAN: RO10 BTRL EURC RT04 7787 8001
For payments in USD:
IBAN: RO14 BTRL USDC RT04 7787 8001
Fam Soelner 1 AS a | Locul 2 AS, Siebert | Locul 3 HS 4Bernhard Kluber |
Locul 1 HS4 Emiel Denys | Locul 3 AS Valya Rosen Dobrevi 3 AS |
Place 1 : 1.500 Euro + Diploma + Trophy Emiel Denys Team B Belg 20 - 3003454
Place 2 : 1.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy Derby Halkidiki 0800858 - GRECIA - 20
Place 3 : 700 Euro + Diploma + Trophy Bernhard Klueber DV - 07039 - 20 - 2066
Place 4 : 500 Euro + Diploma Dediu Daniel FCI 478108 - RO 20
Place 5 : 300 Euro + Diploma Nichitean Arcadie Team 1 066700 - RO 20
Place 6 : 200 Euro Bert Ploeg Team 1 1070464 - NL 20
Place 7 : 200 Euro Peixoto Team 1585 - CH 20
Place 8 : 200 Euro Karl-Heinz Wichert Team 3 02618-DV-20-1012
Place 9 : 200 Euro Grigorean + Lazar Team 1 917335 - RO 20
Place 10 : 200 Euro Marko Germer DV 08104 - 20 - 342
Place 11 : 100 Euro Peixoto & Bonsemeier DV 0255 - 20 - 533
Place 12 : 100 Euro Butyka Ferenc FCI Austria - 308 - 20 - 527
Place 13 : 100 Euro Karl-Heinz Wichert Team 2 02618-DV-20-992
Place 14 : 100 Euro Vencislav Tsvetkov Team 2 50887 - BG 20
Place 15 : 100 Euro Henk Simonsz Team 1 NL 20 - 1062030
Place 16 : 100 Euro Team Onur 069003 - RO 20
Place 17 : 100 Euro Bernhard Banzer DV 09413 - 20 - 200
Place 18 : 100 Euro Team OLR Champions DV - 02799 - 20 - 1910
Place 19 : 100 Euro Hardy Kruger Team 2 DV 07274 - 20 - 461
Place 20 : 100 Euro Roedertalflieger Trepte FCI DV - 09580 - 20 - 156
Two Pigeon Team Challenge
Place 1 : 400 Euro + Diploma Grigorean + Lazar Team 1 9 + 37 = 46
Place 2 : 300 Euro + Diploma Liteanu Ioan Team 2 38 + 66 = 104
Place 3 : 200 Euro + Diploma Vencislav Tsvetkov Team 2 14 + 113 = 127
Place 4 : 100 Euro SG Wiess 21 + 107 = 128
Place 5 : 50 Euro ZG Helios I 39 + 92 = 131
Three Pigeons Team Challenge
Place 1 : 500 Euro + Diploma Karl-Heinz Wichert Team 3 8 + 160 + 194 = 362
Place 2 : 400 Euro + Diploma SG Rohlig & Bukowski L. Team 1 48 + 111 + 205 = 364
Place 3 : 300 Euro + Diploma Josef MERZ Team 2 62 + 121 + 196 = 379
Place 4 : 200 Euro Klaus Stretz 73 + 98 + 171 = 379
Place 5 : 100 Euro Dr. Mildner I 89 + 108 + 331 = 528
AS FCI : HS 1,2,3, 4
Place 1 : 2.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy Familie Soellner FCI DV - 02733 - 20 - 3288
Place 2 : 1.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy Dieter Siebert Team 1 DV - 06723 - 20 - 444
Place 3 : 500 Euro + Diploma + Trophy Valya and Rosen Dobrevi Team 4 362143 - RO 20
Sincere congratulations to the winners, but also to the other competitors.
Locul 1 - HS 3 , Zdenek Pavlik | Locul 2 - HS3, Maziarz Racing Team 1 | Locul 3 - HS 3, Dr. de Weerd Pigeons Team 4 |
LOC 1 : 700 Euro + Diploma + Cupa = Zdenek Pavlik Team 1 - DV - 05927 - 20 - 439
LOC 2 : 500 Euro + Diploma + Cupa = Maziarz Racing Team 1 - PL - 0233 - 20 - 6168
LOC 3 : 400 Euro + Diploma + Cupa = Dr. de Weerd Pigeons Team 4 - 1554775 - NL 20
LOC 4 : 300 Euro + Diploma = Valya and Rosen Dobrevi Team 1 - 013012 - BG 20
LOC 5 : 200 Euro + Diploma = Denis Culic FCI - 17841 - CRO - 20
LOC 6 : 100 Euro = Gigi Necula FCI - 670054 - RO 20
LOC 7 : 100 Euro = SG Grothe / Nixdorf Team 2 - DV 03200 - 20 - 7
LOC 8 : 100 Euro = Dr. de Weerd Pigeons Team 4 - 1554803 - NL 20
LOC 9 : 100 Euro = SG Steffl Team 1 - DV - 08897 - 20 - 6307
LOC 10 : 100 Euro = Dr. Angela Targatz Team 1 - DV - 07196 - 20 - 1422
LOC 1 : 300 Euro + Diploma = Dr. de Weerd Pigeons Team 4 = 3 + 8 = 11
LOC 2 : 200 Euro + Diploma = Maziarz Racing Team 1 = 2 + 29 = 31
LOC 3 : 100 Euro + Diploma = SG Steffl Team 1 = 9 + 30 = 39
LOC 1 : 500 Euro + Diploma = Hok M. Reijnen & Bolton Team 1 = 15 + 26 + 190 = 231
LOC 2 : 300 Euro + Diploma = SG Steffl Team 1 = 9 + 30 + 235 = 274
LOC 3 : 150 Euro + Diploma = Karl-Heinz Wichert Team 1 = 21 + 127 + 140 = 288
Sincere congratulations to the winners, but also to the other competitors.
Locul 1 - HS 2, ZG Helios II | Locul 2 - HS 2, Mike Schuler Team1 | Locul 3 - HS 2, SG Steffl Team2 |
LOC 1 : 700 Euro + Diploma + Cupa = ZG Helios II - DV 04195 - 20 - 523
LOC 2 : 500 Euro + Diploma + Cupa = Mike Schuler Team 1 - DV - 05573 - 20 - 309
LOC 3 : 400 Euro + Diploma + Cupa = SG Steffl Team 2 - DV - 08897 - 20 - 6382
LOC 4 : 300 Euro + Diploma = Team 1 Hotel Adelmann - DV 04320 - 20 - 551
LOC 5 : 200 Euro + Diploma = Zdenek Pavlik Team 2 - DV - 05927 - 20 - 438
LOC 6 : 100 Euro = Dieter Siebert Team 1 - DV - 06723 - 20 - 550
LOC 7 : 100 Euro = Fam. Schilling - DV 03083 - 20 - 767
LOC 8 : 100 Euro = Vencislav Tsvetkov - 50884 - BG 20
LOC 9 : 100 Euro = SG Grothe / Nixdorf Team 2 - DV 03200 - 20 - 7
LOC 10 : 100 Euro = Alfons Klaas Team 1 - DV 0507 - 20 - 573
LOC 1 : 300 Euro + Diploma = Dieter Siebert Team 1 = 6 + 17 = 23
LOC 2 : 200 Euro + Diploma = Wijngaarden Pigeons = 18 + 28 = 46
LOC 3 : 100 Euro + Diploma = Dr. de Weerd Pigeons Team 4 = 24 + 44 = 68
LOC 1 : 500 Euro + Diploma = Valya and Rosen Dobrevi Team 1 = 42 + 100 + 101 = 243
LOC 2 : 300 Euro + Diploma = Werner A. Waldow + Silvia Thiel = 61 + 92 + 136 = 289
LOC 3 : 150 Euro + Diploma = Dieter Siebert Team 1 = 6 + 17 + 287 = 310
Sincere congratulations to the winners, but also to the other competitors.
It was a standard stage for the flight direction, a stage with a high degree of difficulty, with the front wind with a speed between 15 and 25 km per hour, the temperature varying between 13 and 25 degrees Celsius.
Locul 1 - HS 1, Karl-Heinz Wichert Team 4 | |
Locul 2 - HS 1 Drapa Team 2 | Locul 3 - HS 1 Emir Fazlioglu |
LOC 1 : 700 Euro + Diploma + Cupa = Karl-Heinz Wichert Team 4 - DV - 02618 - 20 - 1039
LOC 2 : 500 Euro + Diploma + Cupa = Drapa Team 2 - DV - 01769 - 20 - 652
LOC 3 : 400 Euro + Diploma + Cupa = Emir Fazlioglu - TR - 20 - 206523
LOC 4 : 300 Euro + Diploma = ZG Helios III - DV 01777 - 20 - 874
LOC 5 : 200 Euro + Diploma = Ivanschitz Clemens Team 1 - AU - 105 - 20 - 515
LOC 6 : 100 Euro = GWD - 994020 - RO 20
LOC 7 : 100 Euro = Florian Techel Team 1 - DV 0173 - 20 - 535
LOC 8 : 100 Euro = Jenjic Bosko FCI Team A - 17425 - CRO 20
LOC 9 : 100 Euro = Team UPMA - DV - 09621 - 20 - 9726
LOC 10 : 100 Euro = Team Germany - Reinhard +Marianne Rolff - DV 04858 - 20 - 3089
LOC 1 : 300 Euro + Diploma = ZG Helios III = 4 + 45 = 49
LOC 2 : 200 Euro + Diploma = Team Haberli = 15 + 36 = 51
LOC 3 : 100 Euro + Diploma = Ivanschitz Clemens Team 1 = 5 + 57 = 63
LOC 1 : 500 Euro + Diploma = ZG Helios III = 4 + 45 + 87 = 136
LOC 2 : 300 Euro + Diploma = Karl-Heinz Wichert Team 1 = 26 + 83 + 98 = 207
LOC 3 : 150 Euro + Diploma = Team Germany - Reinhard +Marianne Rolff = 10 + 69 + 146 = 225
Sincere congratulations to the winners, but also to the other competitors.
It was a standard stage for the flight direction, a stage with a high degree of difficulty, with the front wind with a speed between 17 and 23 km per hour, heat wave, the temperature varying between 28 and 35 degrees Celsius.
EUROPA MASTER PIGEON ONE LOFT RACE : 167.100 EURO + Trophies6.300 Euro
FINALA Total : 129.250 EURO
Place 1 : 23.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 2 : 13.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 3 :9.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 4 :7.000 Euro + Diploma + medal
Place 5 : 6.000 Euro + Diploma +medal
Place 6 : 5.000 Euro + Diploma
Place 7 : 4.000 Euro + Diploma
Place 8 : 3.000 Euro + Diploma
Place 9 : 2.000 Euro + Diploma
Place 10 : 1.000 Euro + Diploma
Place 11 -20 : 900 Euro
Place 21 -30 : 800 Euro
Place 31 – 40 : 700 Euro
Place 41 – 50 : 600 Euro
Place 51 – 60 : 500 Euro
Place 61 – 70 : 400 Euro
Place 71 – 80 : 300 Euro
Place 81 – 90 : 200 Euro
Place 91 – 100 : 100 Euro
Two Pigeon Team Challenge Three Pigeons Team Challenge
Place 1 : 700 Euro + Diploma + TrophyPlace 1 : 1.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 2 : 500 Euro + Diploma + TrophyPlace 2 : 700 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 3 : 300 Euro + Diploma + TrophyPlace 3 : 500 Euro + Diploma +Trophy
Place 4 : 200 Euro + DiplomaPlace 4 : 300 Euro + Diploma
Place 5 : 100 Euro + DiplomaPlace 5 : 200 Euro + Diploma
SEMIFINALA : Total 16.450 EURO
Place 1 : 3.000 Euro+ Diploma + Trophy
Place: 2.000 Euro+ Diploma + Trophy
Place 3 : 1.000 Euro+ Diploma + Trophy
Place 4 : 900 Euro
Place 5 : 800 Euro
Place 6 : 700 Euro
Place 7 : 600 Euro
Place 8 : 500 Euro
Place 9 : 400 Euro
Place 10 : 300 Euro
Place 11- 20 : 200 Euro
Place21 - 30 : 100 Euro
Two Pigeon Team Challenge - Three Pigeons Team Challenge
Place 1 : 500 Euro + Diploma +TrophyPlace1 : 700 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place2 : 300 Euro + Diploma + TrophyPlace 2 : 500 Euro + Diploma +Trophy
Place 3 : 200 Euro + Diploma + TrophyPlace3 : 350 Euro + Diploma +Trophy
Place 4-5 : 150 Euro + DiplomaPlace4-5 : 200 Euro + Diploma
HOT SPOT 4 - FCI 8.550 Euro
Place 1 : 1.500 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 2 : 1.000 Euro + Diploma +Trophy
Place 3 : 700 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 4 : 500 Euro + Diploma
Place 5 : 300 Euro + Diploma
Place 6 – 10 : 200 Euro
Place 11 – 20 : 100 Euro
Two Pigeon Team Challenge - Three Pigeons Team Challenge
Place 1 : 400 Euro + Diploma Place 1 : 500 Euro + Diploma
Place 2 : 300 Euro + Diploma Place 2 : 400 Euro + Diploma
Place 3 : 200 Euro + Diploma Place 3 : 300 Euro + Diploma
Place 4 : 100 Euro Place 4 : 200 Euro
Place 5 : 50 Euro Place 5 : 100 Euro
AS FCI : HS 1,2,3, 4 3.500 EURO
Place 1 : 2.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 2 : 1.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 3 : 500 Euro + Diploma +Trophy
HOT SPOT 1 ; 2 ; 3;2.600 Euro / HS
Place 1 : 700 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 2 :500 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 3 :400 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 4 :300 Euro + Diploma
Place 5 :200 Euro + Diploma
Place 6 – 10 : 100 Euro
Two Pigeon Team Challenge - Three Pigeons Team Challenge
Place 1 : 300 Euro + DiplomaPlace 1 : 500 Euro + Diploma
Place2 : 200 Euro + Diploma Place2 : 300 Euro + Diploma
Place 3 : 100 Euro + Diploma Place3 : 150 Euro + Diploma
AS ELITE : HS 1,2,3,4+ Semifinal + FINAL 6.750 EURO
Place 1 : 3.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place2 : 2.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place3 : 1.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 4 : 500 Euro
Place 5 : 250 EURO
289 teams registered representing 28.9% of 1,000 teams.
For 1,000 teams there were 503 prizes worth 518,900 euros. The simple rule of three would result in 518,900 * 28.9 / 100 = 149,962 euros and 145 prizes.
As we promised, at a number of less than 800 teams, the entire amount of the participation fee will go to prizes: 289 teams * 600 euros = 173,400 euros totaling 252 prizes.
Am Sonntag, 26. April 2020 werden wir Tauben für das EUROPA MASTER PIGEONS OLR FCI in Deutschland abholen.
Da wir mit einem LKW von 22 Tonnen fahren wird eine Sammelstelle mit ausreichendem Platzbedarf benötigt.
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Herrn Otto Klaus befindet sich die Sammelstelle für die Tauben bei der Firma Klaus Gritsteinwerk GmbH & Co. KG in 32257 Bünde, Buchenstr. 7.
Die Annahme der Tauben in Bünde erfolgt von 10:00 - 18:00 h.
Folgende Sammelstellen nehmen die Tauben ab dem 23. April (Kurierversand am 22.04.) an und übernehmen die Anlieferung in Bünde am 26. April 2020:
Markus Söllner
Töpfergasse 12
36269 Philippsthal
Tel. 06620 6243
Alfons Klaas
Westerwieher Str. 208
33397 Rietberg
Tel: 05244 928999
Werner A. Waldow
Gräwingheide 2
46282 Dorsten
Tel. 0172 2626841
Dieter Meissner
Igelweg 35
65428 Rüsselsheim
Tel. 0176 9552 5002
Darüberhinaus besteht die Möglichkeit in Ausnahmefällen die Tauben auch am Samstag, 25. April 2020 direkt bei Herrn Otto Klaus anzuliefern.
Am 27. April 2020 wird der LKW bei Herrn Alexander Gebel in 07318 Saalfeld/Thüringen, Florian Geiyer Straße 107 (Reitanlage Remschuz) von 08:00 - 10:00 h ebenfalls Tauben einsammeln. Für eine Taubenanlieferung bitte direkt Kontakt aufnehmen: 0152 23070550.
Am Nachmittag besteht auch noch die Möglichkeit Tauben in der Nähe von Regensburg aufzunehmen. Hier ist eine rechtzeitige Kontaktaufnahme mit Danut Bacalu unter 0040 747 332 163 - auch What's App - E-Mail: notwendig.
Da wir den Transport mit einem LKW mit einer Kapazität von 7.000 Tauben durchführen, werden wir auch Tauben für folgende OLRs annehmen:
1. FCI International Pigeon Race Moldawien
2. FCI Ukraine Masters Pigeon Race FCI
3. Romania Golden Pigeons FCI
4. Super Star One Loft Race FCI
5. AS Bucovina Horodnicul de Sus FCI
6.Derby Bucovina Cajvana
7. Euro Star Race
8. Balkanik Fair-Play Race
9. Kalimanci -Bulgaria FCI OLR
10. Columbodromul Corabia FCI OLR
11. Columbodrom Arad FCI
12. Derby International Brasov OLR
De deelnemers uit België en Nederland kunnen contact opnemen met de heer Kajo Joep Stroetges . Hij haalt de duiven op uit deze landen. Tel: 0049 15739471857 dat is de gsm nummer,avonds bellen na 20.00 uur
The participants from Belgium and the Netherlands, please contact Mr Kajo Joep Stroetges. He collects the pigeons from these countries.
Erste Sammlung Tauben ab 28.02.bis 01.03.2020 in Holland Expo Houten Halle 2 Stand 290
02.03.2020 im Deutschland - Langoons, bei Karl Heinz Lang!
Verpassen Sie nicht Ihre Chance, Weltmeister im Jahr 2020 zu werden
Bitte, alle, die die Tauben schicken wollen, lassen Sie es mich wissen, um die Tauben direkt von Ihrer Taubenloft abzuholen, wenn Sie die Expo Houten oder Karl Heinz Lang nicht erreichen. Ich warte auf die Nachricht mit der Adresse auf SMS oder WatsApp, Tel: 0040 747 332 163.
We started collecting! We are waiting for you at Stand 290, Halle 2, with the pigeons and with the news, sweets and coffee.
Please, all those who want to send the pigeons, let me know, to come pick up the pigeons directly from your pigeon loft, if you do not reach Expo Houten or Karl Heinz Lang. I am waiting for the message with the address on sms or watsapp, Tel: 0040 747 332 163.
Don't miss your chance to be the 2020 World Champion!
We zijn begonnen met verzamelen! Ik wacht op u bij stand 290, hal 2, met de duiven voor een koffie en nieuws.
Alsjeblieft, iedereen die de duiven wil sturen, laat het me weten, om de duiven rechtstreeks van je duivenkwekerij op te halen, als je Expo Houten of Karl Heinz Lang niet bereikt. Ik wacht op het bericht met het adres op sms of watsapp, Tel: 0040 747 332 163.
Mis je kans niet om de 2020 wereldkampioen te worden!
In the first 4 HSs, any pigeon, whether active or reserved, wins prizes. HS-4, Stupina from 352 km, is the FCI stage, which is taken into account at the world championship.
The reserve pigeons replace the active pigeons, if they are lost, at any time of the season, until HS4. After HS 4, the remaining reserve pigeons must be activated to win prizes at the semi-finals and finals. The pigeons are noted from the beginning, which are active and which are reserves. If the breeder does not make this notification, the team is scored, in ascending order, from the smaller series to the larger series. The smaller series is considered active.
The team costs 600 euros, (2 active pigeons and 2 reserve pigeons). The pigeon reserve is activated with 300 euros of pigeon.
In the 2020 edition, you can only participate in the first 4 HSs. The price per pigeon is 80 euros. At 5 pigeons paid the sixth pigeon is free. The 5 + 1 team costs 400 euros. If desired after HS4, can only be activated by the breeder or with the permission of the owner, can be activated for the amount of 300 euros any pigeon, who participated only in the first 4 HS. Pigeons left unactivated withdraw from the competition and sell at auction.
The money from the auction is divided 50 to 50 after the deduction of the expenses generated by the auction: photo and the percentage of 15% of the auction house.
Like last year, we offer a discount for those who register and pay until 31.12.2019. The team costs only 550 euros instead of 600 euros. In addition to activating the reserve pigeons, you only pay 275 euros instead of 300 euros per pigeon.
For the 3rd edition of 2020, 503 Prizes and the sum of 518,900 Euro are in play!!!
FINALE – 503 Km Bliznatsi
Platz 1. – 70.000 Euro
Platz 2. - 40.000 Euro
Platz 3. - 20.000 Euro
Platz 4. – 10.000 Euro
Platz 5. - 9.000 Euro
Platz 6 – 10 – 7.000 Euro
Platz 11 – 20 – 4.000 Euro
Platz 21 – 30 – 2.500 Euro
Platz 31 – 40 – 1.500 Euro
Platz 41 – 50 – 1.000 Euro
Platz 51 – 100 - 500 Euro
Platz 101 – 200 - 300 Euro
Platz 201 – 300 - 250 Euro
AS-Tauben Wertung - EUROPA MASTER PIGEONS HS1, HS2, HS3, HS4, HS5 (Halbfinale) + Finale the first 33% of the number of pigeons taken at each stage are taken into account
Platz 1. – AUTO oder 10.000 Euro
Platz 2 – 5.000 Euro
Platz 3 – 3.500 Euro
Platz 4 – 2.500 Euro
Platz 5 – 2.000 Euro
Platz 6 – 1.500 Euro
Platz 7 – 1.000 Euro
Platz 8 - 10 – 800 Euro
AS-Tauben nach FCI-Wertung HS1, HS2, HS3, HS4 (after the flight time)
Platz 1 – 2.000 euro
Platz 2 – 1.500 euro
Platz 3 – 1.000 euro
HS1, HS2, HS3, HS 4, - Bogdan Voda ( 104Km ) , Panciu ( 182 Km ), Romanu -Braila ( 264 Km ), Stupina ( 352 Km ) FCI Mundial Racing
Platz 1. – 1.500 Euro
Platz 2. – 1.000 Euro
Platz 3. – 900 Euro
Platz 4. – 700 Euro
Platz 5. - 500 Euro
Platz 6. – 10. – 300 Euro
Platz 11-20 – 250 Euro
HS 5 Halbfinale - Biruinta – 421 Km
Platz 1. – 7.000 euro
Platz 2. – 5.000 Euro
Platz 3. – 3.000 Euro
Platz 4. – 2.000 Euro
Platz 5. – 1.000 Euro
Platz 6. – 10. – 700 Euro
Platz 11-30 – 500 Euro
HS1, HS2, HS3, HS4, HS5: the fastest 2 pigeons from the same team
Platz 1. – 1.500 Euro
Platz 2. – 1.000 Euro
Platz 3. - 900 Euro
Platz 4. – 500 Euro
Platz 5. – 300 Euro
HS1, HS2, HS3, HS4, HS5: the fastest3 pigeons from the same team
Platz 1. – 2.000 Euro
Platz 2. – 1.500 Euro
Platz 3. - 1.000 Euro
Platz 4. – 600 Euro
Platz 5. – 400 Euro
Finale: the fastest 2 pigeons from the same team
Platz 1. – 2.500 Euro
Platz 2. – 1.500 Euro
Platz 3. - 1.000 Euro
Platz 4. – 900 Euro
Platz 5. – 700 Euro
Finale: the fastest pigeons from the same team
Platz 1. – 4.000 Euro
Platz 2. – 3.000 Euro
Platz 3. - 2.000 Euro
Platz 4. – 1.500 Euro
Platz 5. – 1.000 Euro
Prizes are calculated for 1,000 registered teams. If at least 800 teams register, but less than 1,000 teams, EUROPE MASTER PIGEONS OLR will pay the prizes as per 1,000 teams. If less than 800 teams will register, the prizes will decrease in proportion to the percentage registered by the teams. The entire participation fee will be found, in the case of less than 800 teams, in the prizes awarded. In over 1,000 teams the prizes increase directly in proportion to the number of registered teams.
The pigeons are received between 29.02.2020 - 10.05.2020
The pigeons must be accompanied by the property heel and pedigree. Proof of vaccination against paramyxovirus is also required.
Pigeons are collected directly from breeders. For this purpose, please let us know in writing by email, sms, WhatsApp with at least a week, before the desired date to send the pigeons. Pigeons transport is paid directly to the carrier, when the pigeons are delivered. Price per pigeon 10 Euro, for Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary. The transport of pigeons from Italy, France costs 20 Euro of pigeon. From Spain and Portugal the price is 30 euros. The pigeons are transported, in separate boxes, to the breeder. In the first week the pigeons are quarantined, separated, on the breeder.
After the first week, the clinically healthy pigeons move to the Europa Master Pigeons OLR Loft and receive the electronic identification sensor. From this moment you can watch the pigeons on the online cameras inside the compartments.
Starting with 01.07.2020 the official training will start.
The flight schedule is as follows:
HS1- Bogdan Voda ( 104Km ) 05.08.2020
HS2 - Panciu ( 182 Km ) 12.08.2020
HS3 - Romanu -Braila ( 264 Km ) 19.08.2020
HS4 - Stupina ( 352 Km ), FCI MUNDIAL RACING 26.08.2020
HS 5 Halbfinale - Biruinta – 421 Km 08.09.2020
FINALE – 503 Km Bliznatsi 22.09.2020
EUROPA MASTER PIGEON ONE LOFT RACE : 167.100 EURO + Trophies6.300 Euro
FINALA Total : 129.250 EURO
Place 1 : 23.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 2 : 13.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 3 :9.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 4 :7.000 Euro + Diploma + medal
Place 5 : 6.000 Euro + Diploma +medal
Place 6 : 5.000 Euro + Diploma
Place 7 : 4.000 Euro + Diploma
Place 8 : 3.000 Euro + Diploma
Place 9 : 2.000 Euro + Diploma
Place 10 : 1.000 Euro + Diploma
Place 11 -20 : 900 Euro
Place 21 -30 : 800 Euro
Place 31 – 40 : 700 Euro
Place 41 – 50 : 600 Euro
Place 51 – 60 : 500 Euro
Place 61 – 70 : 400 Euro
Place 71 – 80 : 300 Euro
Place 81 – 90 : 200 Euro
Place 91 – 100 : 100 Euro
Two Pigeon Team Challenge Three Pigeons Team Challenge
Place 1 : 700 Euro + Diploma + TrophyPlace 1 : 1.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 2 : 500 Euro + Diploma + TrophyPlace 2 : 700 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 3 : 300 Euro + Diploma + TrophyPlace 3 : 500 Euro + Diploma +Trophy
Place 4 : 200 Euro + DiplomaPlace 4 : 300 Euro + Diploma
Place 5 : 100 Euro + DiplomaPlace 5 : 200 Euro + Diploma
SEMIFINALA : Total 16.450 EURO
Place 1 : 3.000 Euro+ Diploma + Trophy
Place: 2.000 Euro+ Diploma + Trophy
Place 3 : 1.000 Euro+ Diploma + Trophy
Place 4 : 900 Euro
Place 5 : 800 Euro
Place 6 : 700 Euro
Place 7 : 600 Euro
Place 8 : 500 Euro
Place 9 : 400 Euro
Place 10 : 300 Euro
Place 11- 20 : 200 Euro
Place21 - 30 : 100 Euro
Two Pigeon Team Challenge - Three Pigeons Team Challenge
Place 1 : 500 Euro + Diploma +TrophyPlace1 : 700 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place2 : 300 Euro + Diploma + TrophyPlace 2 : 500 Euro + Diploma +Trophy
Place 3 : 200 Euro + Diploma + TrophyPlace3 : 350 Euro + Diploma +Trophy
Place 4-5 : 150 Euro + DiplomaPlace4-5 : 200 Euro + Diploma
HOT SPOT 4 - FCI 8.550 Euro
Place 1 : 1.500 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 2 : 1.000 Euro + Diploma +Trophy
Place 3 : 700 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 4 : 500 Euro + Diploma
Place 5 : 300 Euro + Diploma
Place 6 – 10 : 200 Euro
Place 11 – 20 : 100 Euro
Two Pigeon Team Challenge - Three Pigeons Team Challenge
Place 1 : 400 Euro + Diploma Place 1 : 500 Euro + Diploma
Place 2 : 300 Euro + Diploma Place 2 : 400 Euro + Diploma
Place 3 : 200 Euro + Diploma Place 3 : 300 Euro + Diploma
Place 4 : 100 Euro Place 4 : 200 Euro
Place 5 : 50 Euro Place 5 : 100 Euro
AS FCI : HS 1,2,3, 4 3.500 EURO
Place 1 : 2.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 2 : 1.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 3 : 500 Euro + Diploma +Trophy
HOT SPOT 1 ; 2 ; 3;2.600 Euro / HS
Place 1 : 700 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 2 :500 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 3 :400 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 4 :300 Euro + Diploma
Place 5 :200 Euro + Diploma
Place 6 – 10 : 100 Euro
Two Pigeon Team Challenge - Three Pigeons Team Challenge
Place 1 : 300 Euro + DiplomaPlace 1 : 500 Euro + Diploma
Place2 : 200 Euro + Diploma Place2 : 300 Euro + Diploma
Place 3 : 100 Euro + Diploma Place3 : 150 Euro + Diploma
AS ELITE : HS 1,2,3,4+ Semifinal + FINAL 6.750 EURO
Place 1 : 3.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place2 : 2.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place3 : 1.000 Euro + Diploma + Trophy
Place 4 : 500 Euro
Place 5 : 250 EURO
289 teams registered representing 28.9% of 1,000 teams.
For 1,000 teams there were 503 prizes worth 518,900 euros. The simple rule of three would result in 518,900 * 28.9 / 100 = 149,962 euros and 145 prizes.
As we promised, at a number of less than 800 teams, the entire amount of the participation fee will go to prizes: 289 teams * 600 euros = 173,400 euros totaling 252 prizes.
THE FINAL – 503 Km Bliznatsi
1st place – 70.000 Euro
2nd place - 40.000 Euro
3rd place - 20.000 Euro
4th place – 10.000 Euro
5th place- 9.000 Euro
Places 6-10– 7.000 Euro
Places 11 – 20 – 4.000 Euro
Places 21 – 30 – 2.500 Euro
Places 31 – 40 – 1.500 Euro
Places 41 – 50 – 1.000 Euro
Places 51 – 100 - 500 Euro
Places 101 – 200 - 300 Euro
Places 201 – 300 - 250 Euro
AS - EUROPA MASTER PIGEONS HS1, HS2, HS3, HS4, HS5 (Semifinal) + Finale
thefirst 33% of thenumber of pigeonsboarded are takenintoaccount, at eachstage
1st place– Car or 10.000 Euro
2nd place – 5.000 Euro
3rd place – 3.500 Euro
4th place – 2.500 Euro
5th place– 2.000 Euro
6th place – 1.500 Euro
7th place – 1.000 Euro
Places 8 – 10 – 800 Euro
AS pigeonsaccordingto FCI qualification HS1, HS2, HS3, HS4 (flighttime)
1st place – 2.000 euro
2nd place – 1.500 euro
3rd place– 1.000 euro
HS1, HS2, HS3, HS 4, - Bogdan Voda ( 104Km ) , Panciu ( 182 Km ), Romanu -Brăila ( 264 Km ), Stupina ( 352 Km ) FCI Mundial Racing
1st place – 1.500 Euro
2nd place – 1.000 Euro
3rd place – 900 Euro
4th place . – 700 Euro
5th place 500 Euro
Places 6 – 10 – 300 Euro
Places11-20 – 250 Euro
HS 5 Semifinal - Biruinţa – 421 Km
1st place – 7.000 euro
2nd place – 5.000 Euro
3rd place – 3.000 Euro
4th place – 2.000 Euro
5th place– 1.000 Euro
Places6. – 10. – 700 Euro
Places 11-30 – 500 Euro
HS1, HS2, HS3, HS4, HS5: Twopigeonchallengefromthe same team
1st place – 1.500 Euro
2nd place – 1.000 Euro
3rd place– 900 Euro
4th place – 500 Euro
5th place– 300 Euro
HS1, HS2, HS3, HS4, HS5: Threepigeonchallengefromthe same team
1st place – 2.000 Euro
2nd place – 1.500 Euro
3rd place– 1.000 Euro
4th place – 600 Euro
5th place – 400 Euro
The final: Twopigeonchallengefromthe same team
1st place – 2.500 Euro
2nd place – 1.500 Euro
3rd place - 1.000 Euro
4th place – 900 Euro
5th place– 700 Euro
The final: Threepigeonchallengefromthe same team
1st place – 4.000 Euro
2nd place – 3.000 Euro
3rd place– 2.000 Euro
4th place – 1.500 Euro
5th place– 1.000 Euro
Europa Master Pigeons OLR is a legal entity, legally authorized and veterinary health person with full rights to raise, maintain and organize competitions with pigeons. It is registered in the TRACES system which gives it the right to import and export pigeons from and around the world. Pigeon transport ve
hicles are also registered and approved veterinary sanitary with GPS system. Europa Master Pigeons OLR has a quarantine unit and laboratory approved veterinary sanitary.
Within the Europa Master Pigeons OLR you can participate and collect points for:
In order to participate in ONE LOFT RACING WORLD LEAGUE the rules of this competition must be respected and fulfilled.
Flight plan and training (2020)
The contest program is as follows:
HS1- Bogdan Voda ( 104Km ) 05.08.2020
HS2 - Panciu ( 182 Km ) 12.08.2020
HS3 - Romanu - Brăila ( 264 Km ) 19.08.2020
HS4 - Stupina ( 352 Km ), FCI MUNDIAL RACING 26.08.2020
HS 5 Halbfinale - Biruința – 421 Km 08.09.2020
FINALE – 503 Km Bliznatsi 22.09.2020
Between the stages will be minimal a training with clock and boarding between 50Km and 100Km.
During training, training will be done daily between 10Km and 100KM with the clock on. The exception will be days with extreme atmospheric conditions (torrential rains, strong winds, heat, etc.). The training will take place in all four cardinal points.
The trainings will be daily, boarding, between 01.07.2020 and 01.08.2020. The organizers reserve the right to change their training and contest dates, if the situation so requires. Any changes will be brought to the attention of the participants.
The pigeons will be received between 29.02.2020 - 10.05.2020.
Collecting dates:
29 - 1 March-Houten - Netherlands and Belgium
1 March Abend – Germany – W. Waldow
2 March - Germany Karl-H Lang
3 March - Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic
16-17 March - Belgium, Netherlands ,Germany, Cehia, Slovakia, Ostreich und Hungary
Abholung direkt vom Züchter, Sie müssen sich eine Woche vorher per Mail benachrichtigen !!!
Collection directly from the breeders, you must notify one week earlier by mail !!!
The transport costs 10 euros per pigeon.Der Transport kostet 10 Euro pro Taube.
Het transport kost 10 euro per duif.
28 March Essen-Katenberg – Hausmesse und Taubenborse – Deutches Brieftaubenzentrum
The transport costs 10 euros per pigeon.Der Transport kostet 10 Euro pro Taube.
Het transport kost 10 euro per duif.
2 - 3 April - Belgium and Netherlands
4 April – Germany ( Werner Waldow & KH Lang)
5 April - Austria and Hungary
14-16 April Belgium, Netherlands ,Germany, Cehia, Slovakia, Ostreich und Hungary
Abholung direkt vom Züchter, Sie müssen sich eine Woche vorher per Mail benachrichtigen !!!
Collection directly from the breeders, you must notify one week earlier by mail !!!
1 May - Belgium and Netherlands
2 May - Germany (Werner Waldow& KH Lang)
3 May - Austria, Slovakia,
9 – 10 May - Belgium, Netherlands ,Germany, Cehia, Slovakia, Ostreich und Hungary
Abholung direkt vom Züchter, Sie müssen sich eine Woche vorher per Mail benachrichtigen !!!
Ognisabatoc'è un trasportosullarottanorddell'Italia, trail 2 marzo e l'11 maggio.
The transport costs 10 euros per pigeon.Der Transport kostet 10 Euro pro Taube.
Het transport kost 10 euro per duif. Il trasporto costa 10 euro al piccione.
We collect directly from the breeders in France and the UK. You must announce at least one week by mail.
The transport costs 15 euros per pigeon.Der Transport kostet 15 Euro pro Taube.
Het transport kost 15 euro per duif.Le transport coûte 15 euros par pigeon.
Recolectamos directamente de los criadores en Portugal y España. Debesanunciar al menos una semana por email.
Nóscoletamosdiretamente dos criadoresem Portugal e naEspanha. Vocêdeveanunciarpelomenosumasemana por e-mail.
O transportecusta 15 euros por pombo.El transporte cuesta 10 euros por paloma.
Dear participants from England, Ireland and Scotland, now there is the possibility to send your pigeons to participate in the Europa Master Pigeons OLR, the OLR with the most and greatest prizes in Europe, and 518.000 Euros and 503 prizes! Pigeons are collected every Wednesday by WALKERS EUROPEAN EXPRESS SERVICES LTD and on Thursday they arrive at Pollin Marc & Geert, where they are picked up and sent to EMP, where they arrive on Friday.
Do not miss the chance to be winners this year!
Do not miss the chance to compete against the best!
A team costs 600 euros and consists of 2 active pigeons and 2 rezerve pigeons. Reserves win prizes in the first 4 HSs and replace any lost active pigeon. Prior to the semi-final, each reserve must be activated with an amount of 300 Euros.
If you want to participate, please let me know, to prepare the transport.
Please contact the WALKERS EUROPEAN EXPRESS SERVICES LTD for more information.
Since Europe Master Pigeons OLR was accepted as a member of the FCI, I decided to give a chance to play in the most equitable conditions of all pigeons. There are two ways to participate in Europe Master Pigeons OLR.
The first is the standard, the old one, for professional players, which remains absolutely unchanged as conditions and prizes: 2 active pigeons plus two reserves of 600 euros. The reserve replaces any lost active pigeon and wins prizes in the first 4 HSs. Before the semi-final, the reserve or reserves must be activated if they have not replaced an active pigeon with the amount of 300 euro / reserve.
The second chance to participate is 80 euro / pigeon. 5 paid 6th pigeon is free. In this variant you only participate in the first 4 HSs. The prizes are those from the first 4 HSs.
HS4 - Stupina ( 352 Km ), FCI MUNDIAL RACING - which will be held under the supervision of a FCI committee.
AS FCI appears as prizes, which are calculated according to the FCI rules. After HS4, pigeons enrolled in this category will be sold at auction. After deducting the costs of organizing the auction, the participant will receive 50% of the amount remaining from the sale at auction.
Those who want to continue participating at the semifinals and finals can activate their pigeons or a pigeon for the amount of 300euro / pigeon. And they have full rights as well as professional players.
All pigeons, no matter what category they are flying, fly to HS4 - Stupina ( 352 Km ), FCI MUNDIAL RACING stage gather FCI points if they have FCI genealogy rings.
At two FCI teams a prize team is gathered. Three active FCI pigeons, after HS4, bring a team to the awards.
You can participate with at least 2 pigeons in the FCI category.
It's your chance to compete, under special fairplay and pigeon care, against the best pigeons in the country and the world!
Entry is open to all Countries but all pigeons must wear an approved official ring from the issuing Federation of the Year 2020.
A team costs 600 Euros.
Each team consists of four pigeons, of which 2 are activated to compete for prizes in all the races.
Reserve Pigeon – Pigeon nº 3 and 4 is a reserve and will compete for prizes in all races up to, and including Race No. 4.
Pigeon nº 3 and 4 of each team will replace any lost birds up to and including the Race No.4.
If both the entered pigeons nº 1 and nº 2 have not been lost, the reserve pigeon nº. 3 and 4 can be activated by the participant until the 27 August for an additional €300 to participate in the final Europa Master Pigeons OLR.
Reserve pigeons not activated by the owners until 27 August , can be activated by other participants on 28 August and 05 September 2020.
The RESERVE pigeons cannot be swapped from one team to another of the same owner.
Payment will be made to the following account:
Addresses: Str. Catunului Nr. 2, ComunaBaia, Sat Baia, 727020, Jud. Suceava, Rumänien
Addresses 725200 Falticeni, Str. Republic, Romania
for payments in EURO:
IBAN: RO10 BTRL EURC RT04 7787 8001
For payments in USD:
IBAN: RO14 BTRL USDC RT04 7787 8001
For RON payments:
IBAN: RO60 BTRL RONC RT04 7787 8001
The payment of prizes on Romanian territory will be made in RON at the exchange rate of Banca Transilvania on the day the prizes are paid. Taxation of prizes, if applicable, shall be in accordance with the laws in force at the time of payment of the prizes. The recipient of the prize will bear the bank transfer fees. The payment of the prizes is made after the completion of the auctions, the submission of the annual balance sheet and its validation by the National Finance Agency in Romania, according to the laws that are or will be valid at the time of the payment of the prizes. Europa Master Pigeons assumes and is obliged to pay the prizes put into play, calculated on the number of registered teams, but under the conditions and the date required by law.
Sending pigeons to European Master Pigeons SRL means that the rules are fully accepted.
Hipping and Arrival of Pigeons – To ensure the health of pigeons, with quarantine, vaccination, and creating immunity in groups upon arrival, the pigeons will only be received on the following Time : 29.02.2020 – 10.05.2020.
Regulations 2020
The pigeons participating in the EUROPEAN MASTER PIGEONS OLR must wear the genealogical ring from 2020 and belong to a recognized pigeon fancier federation.
Must be at least 4-6 weeks old, be able to eat and drink water alone upon delivery to EUROPEAN MASTER PIGEONS OLR. It is not mandatory to be vaccinated, because absolutely all collected pigeons will be vaccinated and will follow a prophylactic program, during the adaptation period. When handing the pigeons it will be mentioned whether or not the pigeons were vaccinated.
By handing the pigeons to the EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR, the property right in all forms is also handed over to the E.M.P Columbodrome, which becomes their rightful owner.
The pigeons will be kept in quarantine, separated by breeders for a week before being introduced to the farm. If there are pigeons with problems during the quarantine period, their owner will be informed immediately and he will decide what to do next, he will replace the pigeons with problems immediately or he will send free the following year an equal number of pigeons with those who had problems. Pigeons with problems will have laboratory tests to avoid doubts.
The pigeons will be collected directly from the participants' farm or the legal representative of the pigeon. From the moment of the delivery of the pigeons by the participant and until the entrance to the quarantine the duration will not exceed 72 hours.
It is compulsory at the handing of the pigeons to be handed over the pedigrees and titles of property, a bank account for the payment of prizes, a telephone number and an email address for quick communication. The delivery of pedigrees can also be done by post until the latest on 01.06.2020.
The participation fee is 600 euros per team. The team consists of 2 active pigeons and 2 reserve pigeons. The pigeon reserve wins prizes at HS1, HS2, HS3 and HS4. The reserve pigeon replaces any of the active pigeons, in case of their loss, before the semi-final. The reserve pigeon must be activated before the semi-final for the amount of 300 euros, if the two active pigeons are still present. The reserve pigeons can be activated at any time, if this pigeon does not reach the semi-finals, the money for activation is fully refunded. The reserve pigeon is activated until 27.08.2020. Starting with 28.08.2020, the reserve pigeon can be activated by third parties. The list of reserve pigeons that is activated, is updated daily.
Participants who register and pay for participation until 31.12.2020 benefit of a 50 euro reduction of participation tax (paying only 550 euros / team (2 activities + 2 reserves). The pigeon must be activated before of the semifinal only for the amount of 275 euros. This right cannot be transferred to third parties.
Payment will be made to the following account:
Addresses: Str. Catunului Nr. 2, ComunaBaia, Sat Baia, 727020, Jud. Suceava, Rumänien
Addresses 725200 Falticeni, Str. Republic, Romania
for payments in EURO:
IBAN: RO10 BTRL EURC RT04 7787 8001
For payments in USD:
IBAN: RO14 BTRL USDC RT04 7787 8001
For RON payments:
IBAN: RO60 BTRL RONC RT04 7787 8001
The payment of prizes on Romanian territory will be made in RON at the exchange rate of Banca Transilvania on the day the prizes are paid. Taxation of prizes, if applicable, shall be in accordance with the laws in force at the time of payment of the prizes. The recipient of the prize will bear the bank transfer fees. Sending pigeons to European Master Pigeons SRL means that the rules are fully accepted.
Hipping and Arrival of Pigeons – To ensure the health of pigeons, with quarantine, vaccination, and creating immunity in groups upon arrival, the pigeons will only be received on the following Time : 29.02.2020 – 10.05.2020.
The pigeons will receive the electronic chip and the genealogical ring will be hidden by wrapping from the entrance to the farm. From this date absolutely all the pigeons will be free to fly around the farm and will start the light training with general boarding with the training clock.
During the preparation period, training will be done between 1 Km and 30 Km. An exception will be the days with extreme atmospheric conditions (torrential rains, strong winds, heat waves, etc.). The training will be performed in all 4 cardinal points.
The official trainings will start around 01.07.2020.
The contest program is as follows:
HS1- Bogdan Voda ( 104Km ) 05.08.2020
HS2 - Panciu ( 182 Km ) 12.08.2020
HS3 - Romanu - Brăila ( 264 Km ) 19.08.2020
HS4 - Stupina ( 352 Km ), FCI MUNDIAL RACING 26.08.2020
HS 5 Halbfinale - Biruința – 421 Km 08.09.2020
FINALE – 503 Km Bliznatsi 22.09.2020
Between the stages there will be at least one training with clock and boarding between 50 Km and 100 Km.
The organizers reserve the right to modify the training and competition data, if the situation requires it or in case of force majeure. Any changes will be notified immediately to the participants.
The boarding at the HS, the Semi-Final and the Final is done by the staff of the columbodrome, in front of the camera and a commission made up of participants. The commission will not touch the pigeons, they will only visually check the ring series. When embarking for HS, Semi-Finals and Finals, the protective foil will be removed from the ring and after the series has been verified by the commission, the pigeon will be passed over the boarding clock and the ring will be re-wrapped in front of the commission and the camera and will be placed in the transport cage.
After finishing the boarding under the supervision of the commission and the participants in the boarding, the transport cages will be placed in the pigeon transport car and the car doors will be sealed.
The pigeons will be transported by the authorized pigeon transport car, by the staff of the EUROPEAN Pigeons Master Pigeons OLR.
At the place of launch, all the preparations necessary for a good launch, feeding and watering of the pigeons will be done only by the staff of EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR. Participating Columbophiles as a supervisory commission are absolutely forbidden to approach the car and have the obligation to film and record the training and launch of the pigeons. The participating Columbophiles as supervisory commission will be remunerated. At each launch they will be invited to participate and check the launch local participants from the launch area.
Pigeon training and launching will always be live online on the EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR web page: or as well as on the EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR Facebook page.
When boarding for the final, participants who wish, can only check their own pigeons. The checking of their own pigeons will be done only in front of the surveillance cameras, the boarding committee and the EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR staff.
The order will be as follows: the pigeons will be brought to the boarding room in helper cages by the EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR staff. The protection sheet is removed by the pigeon staff, the series is read and communicated to the commision, which verifies the authenticity of the series and announces the owner of the pigeon. If he is present and wants, he can check the status and shape of the pigeon. This will only be done in the boarding room, in front of the rooms and the commission. Owners who are not present can see the dove that will be presented closely to the main camera that will be online. The EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR staff will board the pigeon by passing it over the boarding clock, apply the protective foil over the ring, apply a control stamp to the wing by the commission and embark it in the transport cage. After reaching the number of pigeons per cage it will be sealed. After the boarding is completed, the transport cages will be taken to the car, and the automatic cage opening fuses will be blocked and sealed. As the case may be, the pigeons will be watered and fed before heading to the launch site.
On the day of the final until 12 noon, participants can visit the farm. After this time the preparations for waiting for the pigeons will begin, and the participants in the final will retire to the specially arranged waiting area. There will be food and beverage stands for various tastes.
The final will be broadcast online.
The pigeons arrived at the final will be sold at auction as follows:
Places 1-20 and the first 5 AS, on a site in the West or in Asia.
All the pigeons returned from the final will be sold at auction. For pigeons sold in Romania, a commission of 15% of the sale price will be charged, and the rest will be divided as follows: 50% breeder and 50% organizer, implicitly EUROPA Master Pigeons OLR.
For pigeons sold in the West or Asia, the auction commission will be higher. From the amount remaining after paying the commission for organizing the auction, the breeder will receive 50% and the organizer 50%.
Pigeons that have not been sold at auction can be redeemed for a sum of 30 Euro by the owner within 7 days after the auction is completed.
EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR will decide what to do in the case of remaining unsold pigeons, these being its undisputed property.
Pigeons without pedigrees will not receive prizes and the amounts resulting from the auction! Any discussion or teaching of pedigrees after the final is EXCLUDED! Any amount of money due or resulting from the pigeons without pedigrees belongs entaierly to the EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR organizer.
All participants by handing the pigeons to the organizer assume and undertake to respect the terms and conditions of this regulation.
EUROPEAN Master Pigeons OLR wishes all the participants a lot of success and a good wind!
Flight plan and training
The contest program is as follows:
HS1- Bogdan Voda ( 104Km ) 05.08.2020
HS2 - Panciu ( 182 Km ) 12.08.2020
HS3 - Romanu - Brăila ( 264 Km ) 19.08.2020
HS4 - Stupina ( 352 Km ), FCI MUNDIAL RACING 26.08.2020
HS 5 Halbfinale - Biruința – 421 Km 08.09.2020
FINALE – 503 Km Bliznatsi 22.09.2020
Between the stages will be minimal a training with clock and boarding between 50Km and 100Km.
During training, training will be done daily between 10Km and 100KM with the clock on. The exception will be days with extreme atmospheric conditions (torrential rains, strong winds, heat, etc.). The training will take place in all four cardinal points.
The trainings will be daily, boarding, between 01.07.2020 and 01.08.2020. The organizers reserve the right to change their training and contest dates, if the situation so requires. Any changes will be brought to the attention of the participants.
The pigeons will be received between 29.02.2020 - 10.05.2020.